Status - Functional
This is an application to add features to a dataset that are derived from processing the content of existing columns of text data. It is specifically designed for adding somewhat bespoke and unusual features that are not particularly well identified by n-gram or word embedding approaches.
It will accept a CSV, TSV or XLS file and output an extended version of the dataset with additional columns appended. When run with default settings it will produce a small number of very simple numerical summaries.
Additional feature flags unlock features that are more computationally intensive and generally domain specific.
Released and distributed via setuptools/PyPI/pip for Python 3.
Additional detail available in the documentation
Current features are all derived from single records. Future development will add these
in some sense relative to a corpus.
* Add capacity to generate features relative to corpus averages
* Add capacity for comparison features to be generated relative to reference text(s)
* Investigate functionality for working with unix shell pipes and streams
Released and distributed via setuptools/PyPI/pip for Python 3.
For Part of Speech Tagging and Word Embeddings we use spacy
Note: After install you will need to get spaCy to download the English model.
sudo python3 -m spacy download en
For string based text comparisons we use jellyfish and textdistance
Each type of feature can be unlocked through the use of a specific command line switch:
-topics Default: False. Indicators for words from common topics.
-topics=count Count matching words from common topics.
-topics=normalize Count matching topic key words and normalize over topics.
-traits Default: False. Word usage for personality traits.
-reason Default: False. Word usage for reasoning: premises, conclusions.
-rhetoric Default: False. Word usage for rhetorical devices.
-pos Default: False. Part of speech proportions.
-literacy Default: False. Checks for simple literacy markers.
-profanity Default: False. Profanity check flags.
-sentiment Default: False. Words counts for positive and negative sentiment.
-scarcity Default: False. Word scarcity scores.
-emoticons Default: False. Emoticon check flags.
-embedding Default: False. Aggregate of Word Embedding Vectors.
-embedding=normalize Normalised Aggregate of Word Embedding Vectors.
-comparison Default: False. Cross-column comparisons using edit distances.
You can use this application multiple ways
Use the runner without installing the application. The following example will generate all features on the test data.
./ -columns=question,answer -pos -literacy -traits -reason -rhetoric -profanity -emoticons -embedding -sentiment -scarcity -comparison -topics=count data/test.csv > data/output.csv
This will send the time performance profile to STDERR as shown below:
Computation Time Profile for each Feature Set
simple 0:00:00.498634
comparison 0:00:00.536637
profanity 0:00:00.496018
sentiment 0:00:03.310224
scarcity 0:00:00.523863
emoticons 0:00:00.219341
embedding 0:00:43.456939
topics 0:00:05.285120
traits 0:00:00.298902
reason 0:00:00.305391
rhetoric 0:00:02.988197
pos 0:00:40.981175
literacy 0:00:00.371007
As you can see the part of speech (POS) features and word embeddings are the most time consuming to generate. In both instances these rely on the SpacY package to process the text block. For the moment it would be advised to avoid using them on very large datasets.
TODO: improve performance of these feature generators.
Alternatively, you can invoke the directory as a package:
python -m texturizer -columns=question,answer data/test.csv > data/output.csv
Or you can simply install the package and use the command line application directly
texturizer -h
Will print out the help
Installation from the source tree:
python install
(or via pip from PyPI):
pip install texturizer
You will then need to run the POST INSTALL SCRIPT to install the required Spacy Model (otherwise the POS features cannot be calculated).
Now, the texturizer
command is available::
texturizer -columns=question,answer -topics data/test.csv > data/output.csv
This will take the Input CSV, calculate some simple summary features and produce an Output CSV with features appended as new columns.
For more complicated features see the additional options (outlined above).
Python package built using the bootstrap cmdline template by jgehrcke