A responsive browser based app that keeps track of your books.
This is a project made for the Udacity Front End developer Nanodegree program.
To get started:
- Click "Clone or download" button and copy the git url
- In your git command-line use the
git clone
- Click "Clone or download" button and select "Download ZIP"
- Unzip the downloaded file
- install project dependencies with
npm install
- install react router with
npm install --save react-router
- start the development server with
npm start
- CSS3
- ES6
- React
- React router
The backend API uses a fixed set of cached search results and is limited to a particular set of search terms, which can be found in SEARCH_TERMS.md. That list of terms are the only terms that will work with the backend.
Udacity Team - Starter Code
John Mantas - Finished Project
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.