Rails app generated with lewagon/rails-templates, created by the Le Wagon coding bootcamp team.
pg_dump -d turtlecamp_development -f turtlecamp_dev_db.psql
pg_dump -d turtlecamp_production -f turtlecamp_prod_db.psql
sed -i -- 's/OWNER\ TO\ turtlecamp/OWNER\ TO\ guochunzhong/g' turtlecamp_prod_db.psql
psql -d postgres
DROP DATABASE turtlecamp_development;
CREATE DATABASE turtlecamp_development WITH ENCODING='UTF8' OWNER='guochunzhong';
psql -d turtlecamp_development -f turtlecamp_prod_db.psql
1 - Clone the project in your machine
clone git@github.com:johncalvinroberts/turtlecamp.git
2 - Create and update the application.yml file
cd turtlecamp/config
touch application.yml
The information of the yml file is on trello on the notes board
3 - Installing the gems & setup of the db
bundle install
rails g public_activity:migration
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed