A Territories Fieldtype for Craft CMS. Give your users a dropdown ot selected territories to choose from.
- Fully translated, using Yii's own translated list of territories
- Select all or just some territories to be available in the dropdown
- Promote some territories to appear at the top of the dropdown for easy selection
- Template tags for listing our all territories available to fieldtype
When setting up a Territories Fieldtype, there are two settings available: you can limit what Territories are available to your users, and you can "promote" some of those territories to appear at the top of the dropdown list.
The two-digit abbreviations of the territory are stored in the DB, so by default this is the value returned when simply accessing the field by it's handle:
{# Will output "us" for example #}
{{ entry.territoryFieldHandle }}
To get the readable name of the territory, use the "label" attribute:
{# Will output "United States" for example #}
{{ entry.territoryFieldHandle.label }}
You can also loop through all of the available territories, as configured in the settings:
{% for option in entry.territoryFieldHandle.options %}
<li {% if option.selected %}class="active"{% endif %}>{{ option }}</li>
{% endfor %}
[http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php](MIT License)