Pure OCaml implementation of the Open Sound Control protocol.
- lwt (optional)
- ocplib-endian
- oUnit
- rresult
If you just need to parse and serialise OSC packets, use the Osc.Codec
# require "osc";;
# open Osc.Types;;
# let data = Osc.Codec.of_packet (Message {address = "/hello/world"; arguments = [Int32 123l; String "foo"]});;
val data : bytes = "/hello/world\000\000\000\000,is\000\000\000\000{foo\000"
# let packet = Osc.Codec.to_packet data;;
val packet : (packet, [ `Missing_typetag_string | `Unsupported_typetag of char ]) Rresult.result =
Rresult.Ok (Message {address = "/hello/world"; arguments = [Int32 123l; String "foo"]})
To simplify sending and receiving OSC packets over the network, the modules
and Osc_unix
are available:
# require "osc.lwt";;
# require "lwt.syntax";;
# open Osc.Types;;
# lwt client = Osc_lwt.Udp.Client.create ();;
val client : Osc_lwt.Udp.Client.t = <abstr>
# let addr = Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_of_string "", 57120);;
val addr : Lwt_unix.sockaddr = Unix.ADDR_INET (<abstr>, 57120)
# lwt () = Osc_lwt.Udp.Client.send client addr (Message {address = "/hello/world"; arguments = [Int32 123l; String "foo"]});;