A GoLand plugin that automatically provides database field autocompletion, tags, and generates Structs
for writing ORM code. Supports: Gorm、Xorm、Beego、GoFrame, etc.
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Inspired by Laravel Idea & PhpStorm metadata. When using ORM packages in Golang, I noticed that some ORM function parameters are strings and the IDE does not support code completion. It becomes inconvenient to write code when dealing with numerous fields. Previously, when I was writing PHP, I used similar plugins and found them extremely useful. Hence, this plugin was developed.
- ORM Code Completion.
- Assisted code completion with @Model annotation.
- Assisted code completion with @Table annotation.
- Assisted code completion for custom SQL. 🚧[WIP]
- SQL to Struct conversion. Supported
- Go ORM Tags Live Template. Supported
- More features waiting to be discovered and improved...
If the plugin is not compatible with your syntax, you can use the @Model or @Table helper.
The plugin will scan the Structs in your project. It is recommended to set the scanning scope.
Selected SQL -> Editor Popup Menu -> Go ORM Helper Tool -> SQL Convert Struct
Compatibility Range:
- GoLand — 2022.2+
- IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate — 2022.2+
- Download Go ORM Helper Plugin Releases
- Install plugins guide: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/managing-plugins.html