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John Sibert edited this page Dec 31, 2013 · 3 revisions

This as an old "back-burner" project that I started about 3 years ago. It uses gawk to process a tpl on the fly so that doxygen comments can be used to document variables and functions in an ADMB tpl file. It really doesn't work very well.

The gawk scripts generates "forward" declarations for ADMB and AUTODIF classes. Doxygen only recognizes null constructors for these classes. So that doxygen recognizes

    dvector y;

as a declaration of the variable y as a dvector, but

    dvector x(1,n);

is considered a function prototype.

FUNCTIONS in a tpl file are not handled properly.

A note on Doxygen FILTER_PATTERNS tag.

This tag specifies a specialized "filter" or preprocessor that Doxygen runs on files with a particular file name extension. Doxygen invokes the filter script which directs its output to stdout, which is then gobbled up by Doxygen. For instantce, the tag

    FILTER_PATTERNS        = *

indicates that files ending in .tpl should be processed by before being passed to Doxygen. To see what the script does, it can be explicitly invoked from the command line and the output redirected to a file, eg, catage/catage.tpl > t.cpp
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