This program takes in a skeleton file (.asf) and a motion file (.amc) and interpolates a model's movement using two techniques:
- Linear Interpolation
- Bezier Splines
When running the program, the command line arguments for "interpolater.cpp" go in this format:
- skeleton file (.asf)
- motion file (.amc)
- interpolation technique (either l or b for linear / bezier, respectively)
- angle (either e or q for euler / quaternion, respectively)
- output motion file
For example: 131-dance.asf 131_04-dance.amc b q 20 testing.amc
This outputs the interpolated motion that you can view using "mocapPlayer.cpp"
This program uses OpenGL to provide the user a interface to play the interpolated motion. Run "mocapPlayer" and load in the skeleton file and motion you want to view. Then press the 'play' button.