JavaScript Tutorial (for Java Developers) by @johnwilander
A tutorial covering JavaScript design patterns, dependency handling and builds with require.js, unit testing with Jasmine, simple DOM manipulation and Ajax calls with jQuery, and client-side encoding with jQuery Encoder.
Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript and the CTO of Mozilla, was kind enough to record a short intro for this tutorial. Check it out.
The slides for this tutorial are available on Slideshare, currently only in Swedish.
The whole project is setup with Maven and is run on Jetty via the Jetty Maven plugin. The Java backend is built with Jersey JAX-RS and Spring DI.
- Make sure you have Maven installed. Try running 'mvn -version' in your shell to see if you've got it.
- Download or fork the code, go to the source folder (where pom.xml can be found) and run 'mvn install'. Maven will now download the the interwebz for you :).
- In the same folder, run 'mvn jetty:run'.
- Surf to http://localhost:8080/JavaScriptTutorial/.
- When you want to stop the server you run 'mvn jetty:stop'.
If you want to try running the require.js build including concatenation and minification of JavaScript, do this:
- Make sure you have Rhino (js.jar) downloaded. In my example I have it in /Applications/Utilities/rhino/ on my Mac.
- Make sure you have Google's Closure Compiler (compiler.jar) downloaded. In my example I have it in /Applications/Utilities/Closure_Compiler/ on my Mac.
- In your shell, go to path_to_the_tutorial_code_on_your_machine/src/main/webapp/js/
- run java -classpath /Applications/Utilities/rhino/js.jar:/Applications/Utilities/Closure_Compiler/compiler.jar ../../r.js -o name=base out=min.js baseUrl=. paths.jquery=empty: paths.jquery-encoder=empty:
If you want to look into JavaScript unit testing with Jasmine:
- surf to http://localhost:8080/JavaScriptTutorial/test/JW/jasmineTestSpec.html (the live.js auto-refresh doesn't work in Chrome at them moment)
- Check the corresponing source in path_to_the_tutorial_code_on_your_machine/src/main/webapp/test/JW/
Ping me on Twitter – @johnwilander – if you have questions or problems setting it up.