This is a library application that allows the end user to keep track of their own books. The application accepts a ten digit ISBN as input, fetches the information using a web service and stores that information in persistent storage. The list is then displayed to the user with the option to remove the book from their collection. This is implemented as a single page application providing the user with a seamless and snappy experience.
The goal is to refactor the library MEAN application (version controlled as library-mean-app) and change out the frontend from Angular.JS to Ember.JS in order to compare and contrast the two frameworks.
- MongoDB
- Ember.JS
- Express.JS
- Node.JS
- Ember CLI
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- Handlebars
- Node Package Manager
- Bower
> bower install
> npm install
> ember build -e production
> bower install
> npm install
> npm start
Navigate to localhost:3000
Note: It is assumed that there is a MongoDB instance running locally.