This website contains a form where users can set an appointment schedule with Code for Asia.
Disclaimer: this website is a take-home assignment for the internship challenge 2020 of Code for Asia.
- Schedule appointments using a form
- Calendar used is XDSoft DateTimePicker
- Admin may set available date and time using the admin dashboard
- Sends an email notification to both user and admin when the form is submitted
- Currently, the email used to send the email notification is for one of my sample blog website, i.e.,
- I'm using
to make this possible
Navigate inside the project folder (where the "" file is located)
Create and run a virtual environment
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
- Install all the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Migrate the database
python3 migrate
- Run the website
python3 runserver
- Create a superuser
python3 createsuperuser
Then enter all the necessary info, i.e., username, email, and password
- Signup/login to set an appointment schedule
- Edit your account information in your account page
- Change your password in your account page
1. Please do not change the username of the admin
- The website looks for this username to determine which user is the adminitrator.
2. You may change the email to whichever you like
- To access: add
at the end of the url - Set the available date and time for appointments
- Monitor the accounts registered
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Javascript ES6
- JQuery v3.5.1
- Bulma v0.9.1
- Django v3.1.4
- SQLite v3.32.3
- This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details