Meet Me Halfway is a website to help you meet your friends, family and clandestine lovers more easily, more often and for less money. Taking the dates of travel and the locations of you and your missed one, it returns the cheapest three places to meet and the price of the flights.
It uses the SkyScanner API with a python wrapper for the back end to read in flight information. We used Flask to create a front end user interface.
This app was inspired by having friends in different countries and all the hassle that organising a meetup involves. This app allows all of this manic searching to be reduced to just one search. After taking the dates of travel and the locations of the two friends, Meet Me Halfway returns the cheapest three places to meet and the price of the two flights.
We bought the domain and will move to hosting the project on there. We will also incorporate live data, create a text completion function for the form and create a more aesthetic results page that can also link to buying the tickets from the carriers (and halving the price!)