This data pipeline reads immigration data and performs transformations to join with other datasets using Apache Beam
- On your working directory (Windows) run on terminal:
python3 --input_dir <PATH>\<TO>\<DATA>\ --output_dir <PATH>\<TO>\<OUTPUT>\
This asumes to have installed and configured
on local computer. Also that file paths are written with syntax as Linux (/
) instead of syntax as Windows (\
Create Google storage bucket
Upload data from directory
to Google storage bucket
gsutil cp -r data gs://<YOUR GCP BUCKET>/
- On Google cloud shell terminal install packages
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo install -U pip
sudo pip3 install apache-beam[gcp] oauth2client==3.0.0 pandas
On Google cloud shell editor upload run file:
Run job on cloud shell terminal
python3 --input_dir gs://<YOUR GCP BUCKET>/<PATH>/<TO>/<DATA>/ --output_dir gs://<YOUR GCP BUCKET>/<PATH>/<TO>/<DATA>/ --project <YOUR GCP PRJECT ID> --job_name <SET JOB NAME> --temp_location gs://<YOUR GCP BUCKET>/staging/ --staging_location gs://<YOUR GCP BUCKET>/staging/ --region us-central1 --runner DataflowRunner