- Introduction
- Running the application
- Other methods to retrieve the voltage from the ADC signal
- Calibration results
- Contributing
Makes use of the Steinhart-Hart equation to calibrate thermistors. This is achieved by:
- Retrieving an analog to digital converted signal via a microcontroller, This value is related to the resistance of the micro controller.
- Fetching the resistance of the Thorlabs TSP01 temperature logger.
Afterwards, these values are feeded into the Steinhart-Hart class and will be used to calibrate the coefficients.
Make sure that you've installed the requirements
pip install -r desktop/requirements.txt
Just run with your python3 interpreter:
python main.py
NOTE: Some users will not be able to detect the torlabs TSP01 sensor, this can be caused by:
If your circuit doesn't make use of a (simple) voltage devider, you will need another conversion method. This can be achieved by: Creating a method in config.py
Al the values (reference temperature, ntc_resistor value, predicted temperature, the coefficients, ...) will be stored in a .csv file. This can be used in e.g. Jupyter Notebook to analyse the quality of the calibration.
The succeeding table gives an overview which data elements are stored
RNTC | Tprobe | Tcalc | A | B | C | T1 | R1 | T2 | R2 | T3 | R3 |
Ω | °C | °C | \ | \ | \ | °C | Ω | °C | Ω | °C | Ω |
Column | description |
RNTC | The calculated resistance (via the retrieved ADC value) of the thermistor |
Tprobe | The temperature of the TSP01 temperature probe |
Tcalc | The calculated temperature of the termistor, based on RNTC and the Steinhart-Hart coefficients |
A | Steinhart-Hart coefficient A |
B | Steinhart-Hart coefficient B |
C | Steinhart-Hart coefficient C |
T1 | The first reference temperature used for calculating the coefficients |
R1 | The first resistance used to calculate the Steinhart-Hart coefficients |
T2 | The second reference temperature used for calculating the coefficients |
R2 | The second resistance used to calculate the Steinhart-Hart coefficients |
T3 | The third reference temperature used for calculating the coefficients |
R3 | The third resistance used to calculate the Steinhart-Hart coefficients |
If you have some amazing ideas, just create a pull request ¯\_(ツ)_/¯