A javascript class to manage basic image manipulation in a modularized container. Resizing the dimensions of an image to fit a contraint while maintaining the aspect ratio is the main function of this class. Rotation is also supported for both clockwise and counter-clockwise movements. The class uses the HTML5 canvas to achieve its goals. The class creates and destroys the canvas as needed so that no additional work or cleanup is required by the developer.
- Add ImageManipulator.js to project
- Have an image ready to be resized
- Create new ImageManipulator object
var imageManipulator = new ImageManipulator();
- Call resizing function on the object
imageManipulator.resizeImage(img, desiredWidth, desiredHeight, desiredFormat);
- Handle new image returned in base64 format
// Create Object
var imageManipulator = new ImageManipulator();
// Get base64 encoded resized image
var base64 = imageManipulator.resizeImage(img, desiredWidth, desiredHeight, desiredFormat);
Takes in an image object, desired width, height and format. Returns a base64 string with the data of the new image. PNG is the default format.
var imageManipulator = new ImageManipulator();
var newImageData = imageManipulator.resizeImage(img, desiredWidth, desiredHeight, desiredFormat);
Takes in an image object and number of degrees as arguments , returns a base64 string of the new iamge.
var imageManipulator = new ImageManipulator();
var newImageData = imageManipulator.rotateRight(img, degrees);
Takes in an image object and number of degrees as arguments , returns a base64 string of the new iamge.
var imageManipulator = new ImageManipulator();
var newImageData = imageManipulator.rotateLeft(img, degrees);
Takes in an image object as an argument, returns a boolean.
var imageManipulator = new ImageManipulator();
var portraitImageBoolean = imageManipulator.isPortraitImage(img);
Takes in an image object and desired format as arguments. Returns a base64 string with the data of the new image. PNG is the default format.
var imageManipulator = new ImageManipulator();
var newImageData = imageManipulator.changeImageFormat(img, desiredFormat);
None. This class was made so that jQuery or any other framework is not needed. It is entirely self-sufficient. The class can be loaded through normal script tags but can be easily modified to support RequireJS or similar.
This class should work on all browsers that support drawing to the html5 canvas. That should mean the following and above should work:
- IE 9
- Firefox 33
- Chrome 31
- Safari 7.1
- Opera 26
- iOS Safari 7.1
- Android Browser 4.1
- Chrome for Android 40
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