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Compilation options for different versions of Clang, GCC, MSVC, ICC and Emscripten. Provided a generator and different file formats (cmake, xmake, meson, premake5, bjam/b2, ...)


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Compilation options for different versions of Clang, GCC, MSVC, Emscripten, ICC and ICX. Provided a generator and different file formats (build system and compiler).

The output directory contains files for cmake, xmake, premake5, meson, bjam/b2, scons and command-line options for gcc/g++, clang/clang++ and msvc. If a version of the compiler is not present, then there is no difference compared to an older version.

Each build system also has a branch with only the files it needs.

Here is an example with gcc:

int main()
  int x;
  return x; // used but uninitialized

$ g++ main.cpp

No output

$ g++ main.cpp @cpp-compiler-options/output/cpp/gcc/gcc-6.1-warnings

main.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
main.cpp:4:10: warning: ‘x’ is used uninitialized in this function [-Wuninitialized]
    4 |   return x; // used but not initialized
      |          ^

(@file is a special option of gcc and clang for read command-line options from file.)

  1. Options
    1. Recommended options
  2. Use generated files
    1. CMake
    2. xmake
    3. Meson
    4. Premake5
    5. Bjam/B2 (Boost.Build)
    6. SCons
    7. Bash alias for gcc/clang
  3. Generators
    1. generators/compiler.lua
    2. generators/list_options.lua
    3. generators/{cmake,xmake,meson,premake5,bjam,scons}.lua
  4. How to add or modify options?
    1. Flags
    2. Compilers and linkers
    3. Platform
    4. Options and levels
    5. Conditions
    6. if_mt


Supported options are (alphabetically in a category):

# Warning:

analyzer = default off on taint
analyzer_too_complex_warning = default off on
analyzer_verbosity = default 0 1 2 3
conversion_warnings = on default off sign conversion
covered_switch_default_warnings = on default off
fix_compiler_error = on default off
msvc_crt_secure_no_warnings = on default off
noexcept_warnings = default off on
reproducible_build_warnings = default off on
shadow_warnings = off default on local compatible_local all
suggestions = default off on
switch_warnings = on default off exhaustive_enum mandatory_default exhaustive_enum_and_mandatory_default
unsafe_buffer_usage_warnings = default on off
warnings = on default off strict very_strict
warnings_as_error = default off on basic
windows_abi_compatibility_warnings = off default on

# Pedantic:

msvc_conformance = all default all_without_throwing_new
pedantic = on default off as_error
stl_fix = on default off

# Debug:

debug = default off on line_tables_only gdb lldb sce
float_sanitizers = default off on
integer_sanitizers = default off on
ndebug = with_optimization_1_or_above default off on
other_sanitizers = default off thread pointer memory
sanitizers = default off on
stl_debug = default off on allow_broken_abi allow_broken_abi_and_bugs assert_as_exception
var_init = default uninitialized pattern zero

# Optimization:

cpu = default generic native
linker = default bfd gold lld native
lto = default off on normal fat thin
optimization = default 0 g 1 2 3 fast size z
whole_program = default off on strip_all

# C++:

exceptions = default off on
rtti = default off on

# Hardening:

control_flow = default off on branch return allow_bugs
relro = default off on full
stack_protector = default off on strong all

# Other:

color = default auto never always
coverage = default off on
diagnostics_format = default fixits patch print_source_range_info
diagnostics_show_template_tree = default off on
elide_type = default off on
msvc_diagnostics_format = caret default classic column
msvc_isystem = default anglebrackets include_and_caexcludepath external_as_include_system_flag
msvc_isystem_with_template_from_non_external = default off on
pie = default off on static fpic fPIC fpie fPIE
windows_bigobj = on default

The value default does nothing.

If not specified:

  • msvc_conformance is all
  • msvc_diagnostics_format is caret
  • ndebug is with_optimization_1_or_above
  • The following values are off:
    • shadow_warnings
    • windows_abi_compatibility_warnings
  • The following values are on:
    • conversion_warnings
    • covered_switch_default_warnings
    • fix_compiler_error
    • msvc_crt_secure_no_warnings
    • pedantic
    • stl_fix
    • switch_warnings
    • warnings
    • windows_bigobj
  • control_flow=allow_bugs
    • clang: Can crash programs with "illegal hardware instruction" on totally unlikely lines. It can also cause link errors and force -fvisibility=hidden and -flto.
  • stl_debug=allow_broken_abi_and_bugs
    • clang: libc++ can crash on dynamic memory releases in the standard classes. This bug is fixed with the library associated with version 8.
  • msvc_isystem=external_as_include_system_flag is only available with cmake.

Recommended options

category options
debug control_flow=on
stl_debug=allow_broken_abi or on
release cpu=native
linker=gold, lld or native
lto=on or thin
security control_flow=on
really strict warnings pedantic=as_error

Use generated files

This is what enabled of sanitizers looks like with the different build systems available:


$ xmake f --jln-sanitizers=on

$ premake5 --jln-sanitizers=on

$ meson -Djln_sanitizers=on

$ bjam -s jln_sanitizers=on

$ scons jln_sanitizers=on

(jln is a parameterizable prefix: ./compiler-options.lua generators/cmake.lua [prefix])


# launch example: cmake -DJLN_SANITIZERS=on

# init default values
# jln_init_flags(
#     [<jln-option> <default_value>]...
#     [AUTO_PROFILE on]
#     [VERBOSE on]
#     [BUILD_TYPE type [<jln-option> <default_value>]...]...
# )
# AUTO_PROFILE: enables options based on CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
#               (assumes "Debug" if CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is empty)
# BUILD_TYPE: enables following options only if ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}
#             has the same value (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE assumed to Debug if empty)
  SUGGESTIONS on      # set SUGGESTIONS default value to "on"
  BUILD_TYPE debug
    SANITIZERS on     # set SANITIZERS default value to "on" only in Debug build
  BUILD_TYPE release
    LTO on            # set LTO default value to "on" only in Release build

# jln_target_interface(
#     [<jln-option> <value>]...
#     [DISABLE_OTHERS {on|off}]
#     [BUILD_TYPE type [<jln-option> <value>]...]...
# )
jln_target_interface(mytarget1 INTERFACE WARNINGS very_strict) # set WARNINGS to "very_strict"

# jln_flags(
#     CXX_VAR <out-variable>
#     LINK_VAR <out-variable>
#     [<jln-option> <value>]...
#     [DISABLE_OTHERS {on|off}]
#     [BUILD_TYPE type [<jln-option> <value>]...]...
# )

target_link_libraries(mytarget2 INTERFACE ${LINK_FLAGS})
target_compile_options(mytarget2 INTERFACE ${CXX_FLAGS})

# NOTE: for C, jln_ prefix function becomes jln_c_ and CXX_VAR becomes C_VAR


Copy output/cpp/xmake_options.lua to myproj/cpp/xmake.lua and output/cpp/xmake to myproj/cpp/flags.lua. cpp is an arbitrary directory name, this can be changed.

-- launch example: xmake f --jln-sanitizers=on


-- Registers new command-line options and set default values
jln_cxx_init_options({warnings='very_strict', warnings_as_error='basic'})

-- Set options for a specific mode (see also jln_cxx_rule())
-- When the first parameter is nil or unspecified, a default configuration is used.
    function() ... end, -- callback for release mode
  -- ...


-- Create a new rule. Options are added to the current configuration
jln_cxx_rule('custom_rule', {warnings_as_error='on'})


  -- Custom configuration when jln_cxx_rule() or jln_cxx_modes() are not enough
    -- see also get_flags() and create_options()
    local flags = flags.set_flags(target, {elide_type='on'})

-- NOTE: for C, jln_cxx_ prefix become jln_c_


Copy output/cpp/meson_options.txt and rename output/cpp/meson to meson_jln_flags/

# launch example: meson -Djln_sanitizers=on
# note: `meson --warnlevel=0` implies `--Djln_warnings=off`

project('test', 'cpp')

# default options (without prefix)
# optional
jln_default_flags = {'rtti': 'off'}

# options for specific buildtype (added to default options)
# optional.
jln_buildtype_flags = {
  'debug': {'rtti': 'on'},

# Use a default configuration when jln_buildtype_flags is unspecified.
# optional.
jln_use_profile_buildtype = true

# optional
jln_custom_flags = [
  {'rtti': 'off', 'optimization': '3'}, # (0) opti flags
  {'debug': 'on'}, # (1) debug flags
  # { ... } # (2)
  # etc

# declare jln_link_flags, jln_cpp_flags, jln_custom_cpp_flags and jln_custom_link_flags

my_opti_cpp_flags = jln_custom_cpp_flags[0] # (0) opti flags (see above)
my_opti_link_flags = jln_custom_link_flags[0]
my_debug_cpp_flags = jln_custom_cpp_flags[1] # (1) debug flags (see above)
my_debug_link_flags = jln_custom_link_flags[1]
# my_... = jln_custom_cpp_flags[2] # (2)
# my_... = jln_custom_link_flags[2]
# etc

executable('demo', 'main.cpp', link_args: jln_link_flags, cpp_args: jln_cpp_flags)

# NOTE: for C, jln_ prefix becomes jln_c_


-- launch example: premake5 --jln-sanitizers=on

include "output/cpp/premake5"

-- Registers new command-line options and set default values

    -- getoptions(values = {}, disable_others = false, print_compiler = false)
    -- `values`: table. ex: {warnings='on'}
    -- `values` can have 3 additional fields:
    --  - `cxx`: compiler name (otherwise deducted from --cxx and --toolchain)
    --  - `cxx_version` (otherwise deducted from cxx)
    --  - `ld`: linker name
    -- `disable_others`: boolean
    -- `print_compiler`: boolean
    -- return {cxxflags=table, ldflags=table}
    -- Note: with C language, cxxflags, cxx and cxx_version become cflags, cc and cc_version
    local options = flags.getoptions({elide_type='on'})
    for _,opt in ipairs(options.cxxflags) do target:add('cxxflags', opt, {force=true}) end
    for _,opt in ipairs(options.ldflags) do target:add('ldflags', opt, {force=true}) end

    -- or equivalent (return also options)
    flags.setoptions(target, {elide_type='on'})

    -- return the merge of the default values and new value table
    local values = flags.tovalues({elide_type='on'}, --[[disable_others:bool]])

-- jln_getoptions(values = {}, disable_others = false, print_compiler = false)
-- `values`: table. ex: {warnings='on'}
-- `values` can have 3 additional fields:
--  - `cxx`: compiler name
--  - `cxx_version` (otherwise deducted from cxx)
--  - `ld`: linker name
-- `disable_others`: boolean
-- `print_compiler`: boolean
-- return {buildoptions=table, linkoptions=table}
-- Note: with C language, cxx and cxx_version become cc and cc_version
local mylib_options = jln_getoptions({elide_type='on'})

-- or equivalent

-- returns the merge of the default values and new value table
local values = jln_tovalues({elide_type='on'}, --[[disable_others:bool]])

-- NOTE: for C, jln_ prefix function becomes jln_c_

Bjam/B2 (Boost.Build)

# launch example: bjam -s jln_sanitizers=on

include output/cpp/bjam ;

# rule jln_flags ( properties * )

project name : requirements
  <jln-lto-default>on # enable jln-lto
: default-build release ;

exe test : test.cpp : <jln-relro-incidental>off # incidental version of <jln-relro>off

# NOTE: for C, jln_flags becomes jln_c_flags


# launch example: scons jln_sanitizers=on

import jln_options as jln

jln.set_global_flags({'rtti': 'off'})

vars = Variables(None, ARGUMENTS)
jln.add_variables(vars, {'debug':'on'}) # default value of debug to on

# get_flags(variables[, env]) -> {flags=[...], linkflags=[...]}
flags1 = jln.get_flags(vars)
flags2 = jln.get_flags({'debug':'on'})

Bash alias for gcc/clang

The scripts below add 4 aliases with warnings=on, pedantic=on and color=always.

  • gw++ for g++
  • cw++ for clang++
for comp in g++ clang++ ; do
  version=$($comp --version | sed -E '1!d;s/.*([0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]).*/\1/g')
  echo "alias ${comp:0:1}w++='$comp "$(./compiler-options.lua generators/compiler.lua "$comp-$version" warnings pedantic color=always)\'
done >> ~/.bashrc
  • gwcc for gcc
  • cwcc for clang
for comp in gcc clang ; do
  version=$($comp --version | sed -E '1!d;s/.*([0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]).*/\1/g')
  echo "alias ${comp:0:1}wcc='$comp "$(./compiler-options.lua -c generators/compiler.lua "$comp-$version" warnings pedantic color=always)\'
done >> ~/.bashrc



./compiler-options.lua [-h] [-p] [-c] [-o outfilebase]
                       [-t [-]{platform|compiler|linker}=name[,...]]
                       [-f [-]{option_name[=value_name][,...]}]
                       [-d option_name=value_name[,...]]
                       {generator} [options...]
./compiler-options.lua -f debug,warning generators/cmake.lua # only with debug and warning
./compiler-options.lua -f -debug,warning generators/cmake.lua # without debug nor warning
  • -p Print an AST.
  • -c for C, default is C++.
  • -t Restrict to a list of platform, compiler or linker. When the list is prefixed with '-', values are removed from current AST.
  • -f Restrict to a list of option/value. When the list is prefixed with -, options/values are removed.
  • -d Set new default value. An empty string for value_name is equivalent to default.


See ./compiler-options.lua generators/compiler.lua -h for detailed usage information.


$ ./compiler-options.lua generators/list_options.lua [--profile] [--color]

Checks and displays options and their values.


Generators for different build system.

$ ./compiler-options.lua [-o filebase] {generator} [option-prefix]

How to add or modify options?

Edit compiler-options.lua file.

The MakeAST function contains the options tree.

_koptions of Vbase contains the list of available options. _opts_by_category a categorization of these options.


  • c, cxx, flag, link, fl
c'-Wall' -- C only
cxx'-Wall' -- C++ only
flag'-Wall' -- C and C++
link'-flto' -- Link option
fl'xxx' -- is a alias of {flag'xxx',link'xxx'}

Compilers and linkers

  • gcc for gcc or g++
  • clang for clang or clang++
  • clang_cl for clang-cl
  • clang_emcc refers to the version of clang used by emcc
  • clang_like refers to clang, clang_cl and clang_emcc
  • msvc for cl
  • icc
  • icl
  • lld_link for lld-link
  • ld64

icx, icpx, dpcpp are equivalent to clang.

With mingw, the compiler is gcc.

version can be specified with vers or a compiler name and a parameter of the form {operator}{major}.{minor}.

gcc { ... } -- for gcc only
gcc'>=5' { ... } -- for >= gcc-5
gcc'>=5.3' { ... } -- for >= gcc-5.3
gcc'<5.3' { ... } -- for < gcc-5.3

gcc'>=5.3' { ... } -- equivalent to `gcc { vers'>=5.3' { ... } }`


  • linux
  • windows
  • macos
  • mingw with gcc as compiler

Options and levels

  • opt'name' { ... }
  • lvl'name' { ... }
opt'warnings' { -- if warnings is enabled (not `warnings=default`)
  lvl'off' { cxx'-w' } -- for `warnings=off`
  • has_opt'name' { ... }
opt'warnings' {
  has_opt'debug' { -- if debug is enabled (not `debug=default`)
    lvl'off' { cxx'-w' } -- for `warnings=off`, not debug=off

has_opt'debug':with('gdb', 'on') { -- if debug is 'on' or 'gdb'
has_opt'debug':without('gdb', 'on') { -- if debug is not 'default', 'on' or 'gdb'
  • reset_opt'name' for disabled an option
vers'<8' {
  reset_opt'lto' -- disable lto option when version < 8


  • Or(...)
  • And(...)
Or(gcc, clang, msvc) { ... }
And(gcc, lvl'off') { ... }


Compilers, linkers, platforms and condition returns a if_mt.

  • -xxx {...} for not xxx
  • xxx {...} / yyy {...} for xxx or else yyy
opt'warnings' { -lvl'on' { ... } } -- neither warnings=on nor warnings=default
lvl'on' { xxx } / { yyy } -- equivalent to `{ lvl'on' { xxx }, -lvl'on' { yyy } }`

Note: -opt'name' isn't allowed


  • if_else(cond, f) = cond { f(true) } / f()
  • match(a,b,c,...) = a / b / c / ...
  • act(data) for a specific action hardcoded into a generator
    • cmake: data must be a table which can contain the keys:
      • cxx: add the value in CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS / CMAKE_C_FLAGS
      • system_flag: add the value in CMAKE_INCLUDE_SYSTEM_FLAG_CXX / CMAKE_INCLUDE_SYSTEM_FLAG_C.


Compilation options for different versions of Clang, GCC, MSVC, ICC and Emscripten. Provided a generator and different file formats (cmake, xmake, meson, premake5, bjam/b2, ...)





