This project helps you to build functionalities that needs to show the differences between two objects. You can use this project in two ways:
- using the annotations @DiffMappings, @DiffMapping and @DiffProperty;
- using the DiffBuilder to map the properties of a class;
The DiffBuilder provides an API to map an object without the use of annotations:
public class User {
private final String login;
private final String password;
private final LocalDate birthday;
private final Boolean active;
private final List<Email> emails;
// getters and constructor ommited ...
public class Email {
private final String description;
private final Boolean active;
// getters and constructor ommited ...
import com.github.jonpereiradev.diffobjects.DiffConfig;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
User u1 = new User("user1", "123456",, true);
User u2 = new User("user2", "12345678",, true);
u1.getEmails().add(new Email("", true));
u2.getEmails().add(new Email("", false));
DiffConfig configuration = DiffBuilder
.mapping("emails", "description")
List<DiffResult> diffs = DiffObjects.forClass(User.class).diff(u1, u2, configuration);
for (DiffResult diff : diffs) {
if (!diff.isEquals()) {
System.out.println("Field: " + diff.getProperties().get("field"));
System.out.println("Before: " + diff.getBefore());
System.out.println("After: " + diff.getAfter());
The annotations provided by the diff objects are:
- DiffMappings: to map multiple properties of an object relationship;
- DiffMapping: to map a method of an object;
- DiffProperty: to add properties that will be on the diff result for access;
public class User {
// fields and constructor ommited ...
public String getLogin() {
return login;
public String getPassword() {
return password;
public LocalDate getBirthday() {
return birthday;
public Boolean getActive() {
return active;
@DiffMapping(value = "description")
public List<Email> getEmails() {
return emails;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
User u1 = new User("user1", "123456",, true);
User u2 = new User("user2", "12345678",, true);
u1.getEmails().add(new Email("", true));
u2.getEmails().add(new Email("", false));
List<DiffResult> diffs = (DiffObjects).forClass(User.class).diff(u1, u2);
for (DiffResult diff : diffs) {
if (!diff.isEquals()) {
System.out.println("Field: " + diff.getProperties().get("field"));
System.out.println("Before: " + diff.getBefore());
System.out.println("After: " + diff.getAfter());
This annotations is used to provide information in the DiffResult about the field. All objects already have the property "field" with the field name as value.
@DiffProperty(key = "field", value = "{{fieldName}}")
public class User {
// code ommited ...
@DiffMapping(value = "description", properties = {
@DiffProperty(key = "id", value = "E-mail:"),
@DiffProperty(key = "maxlength", value = "50")
public List<Email> getEmails() {
return emails;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// code omitted ...
List<DiffResult> diffs = DiffObjects.diff(u1, u2);
for (DiffResult diff : diffs) {
if (diff.getProperties().containsKey("id")) {
String id = diff.getProperties().get("id");
String maxlength = diff.getProperties().get("maxlength");
System.out.println("Id: " + id);
System.out.println("Maxlength: " + maxlength);
System.out.println("Field: " + diff.getProperties().get("field"));
System.out.println("Before: " + diff.getBefore());
System.out.println("After: " + diff.getAfter());
Diff-Objects is available under the MIT license.