welcome to this template. here are the steps to bet this up an running in development:
- install the eas cli if needed
- create a new repo using this template.
- replace the rn-template with your project name in the app.json & package.json, then do a npm i
- update the package name in app.json
- create a supabse project and copy the url and the anon key in the .env
- enable apple as an auth provider in the supabase project. you need to add host.exp.Exponent in the Service ID field.
- create a new SHA1 key using the eas credentials command. at this point you need to generate a SHA1 key for platform android and profile development
- create a new project in google cloud, configure the oAuth constent screen and obtain a android client id using the SHA1 key from the eas credentials and a web client id (doesn't need a SHA1 key)
- paste the web client id into the .env
- make a development build for android using the eas cli
- download the development build onto your android device
so you need to create a development build for ios as well which includes some more steps
good youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6I2JEky20ME
the service id in the supabase dashboard needs to match the bundleIdentifier
taking it to production: idk yet