Particle simulator
dotnet run
ESC - Quit
SPACE - Pause
ENTER - Create Particle If Valid
BACKSPACE - Reset Parameter Value
SHIFT - BACKSPACE - Reset All Parameter Values
TAB - Cycle Parameters
M - Edit Mass Parameter
R - Edit Radius Parameter
Q - Edit Charge Parameter
J - Edit Spin Parameter
I - Edit Particle Type
T - Toggle Particle Tracer
, - To Decrement Selected Parameter
. - To Increment Selected Parameter
CLICK, DRAG AND RELEASE - Create a particle at position of initial click and with velocity in the mouse drag direction.
- Improve integration method
- Transient particles decay products
- Speed enhancements (world segmentation)
- Ability to select (shift click), modify and delete existing particles. Give distinguishing feature say white bouding box
- Improve cursor click animation
- More textures
- More forces in factory
- Ability to modify velocity numbers
- Modify and set more parameters. Limits on param setting r>0 etc.
- Only allow modification when sim is paused
- Reverse time.
- Save set up, Load set up
- More object types (walls etc)
- Collisions, absorbing, breakup, particle decay.
- Pan, Rotate and Zoom view
- Rotation and spin vectors
- Packaging
- Mobile Versions
- Implement gameplay
- UI improvements (Pause Menu)
- Constrain space
- Add fields.
- 3D
- Edit backgrounds
- Force coupling click