This is a server that supports an app for managing reptiles via an API. Authentication is required for using the relational database.
Date | Time | Ppl | Notes |
3/31/23 | 7h | NT | cleaned up the reptile page and ensured all aspects of it are functional |
3/29/23 | 4h | NT | worked on getting reptile page functional and started on appearance |
3/29/23 | 1.5h | AA, CF, JT, NT | coordinated page assignments and layouts |
3/29/23 | 3h | NT | figured out server communication (finally!) |
3/28/23 | 1h | NT | more server communication troubleshooting |
3/27/23 | 2h | NT | continued to troubleshoot server communication |
3/24/23 | 4h | NT | tried to work out how to get servers to communicate |
3/23/23 | 1h | AA, CF, JT, NT | got skeleton of project built out |
3/11/23 | 1h | JT | created base SPA layout |
2/23/23 | 1.5h | NT | fixed bugs in schedules controller and tested endpoints |
2/22/23 | 1.5h | JT | added scheduling controllers for Reptiles and Users |
2/22/23 | 1.5h | NT | minor tweaks and postman testing |
2/22/23 | 3h | AA, CF, NT | controller setup and some testing |
2/21/23 | 2h | NT | user authentication and reptile manipulation functionality |
2/20/23 | 1.5h | AA, CF, JT, NT | postman setup |
2/17/23 | 1h | AA, CF, NT | prisma setup |
2/15/23 | 1h | JT | initiated repo |
- Create a project using Express and implement all of the endpoints to perform the required operations
- Use prisma for managing your database. (Prisma Setup | Docs)
- Write the endpoints
- You should follow good practices as far as code reuse goes (hint: middleware can be your friend for things like authentication)
- You should follow the proper naming convention for endpoints, for example GET /reptiles should respond with all of my reptiles, and POST /schedules/:reptileId should create a schedule for a reptile.
- Test all of your endpoints using postman.
- Make sure to save your tests in postman to a collection! You will be turning in that collection!
- Write a telling me how to setup and run your server
- Please follow this convention for setup (that way I don't have to remember which commands to run for which projects)
- `yarn` or `npm install` to install the dependencies
- `yarn migrate` or `npm run migrate` to setup the database
- `yarn dev` or `npm run dev` to start the dev server
- `yarn build` or `npm run build` to build for production
- You should specify any additional setup steps in readme.
- Please follow this convention for setup (that way I don't have to remember which commands to run for which projects)
- Export your postman collection.
- Delete your node_modules directory
- Submit your postman collection export and your zipped up source code to Canvas
- authenticate any 🔐 story
- authorization: no access to any data that does not directly belong to user/user's reptiles
A User has many Reptiles, and Schedules.
A Reptile has many Feedings, HusbandryRecords, and Schedules
Install any necessary dependencies by running
With yarn
with npm
npm install
Create the database by running
With yarn
yarn db:migrate
With npm
npm run migrate
You will need the re-run this command anytime you make changes to the schema file.
Start the server by running:
With yarn
yarn dev
With npm
npm run dev
Build the project by running
With yarn
yarn build
With npm
npm run build
Date | Time | Ppl | Notes |
2/23/23 | 1.5h | NT | fixed bugs in schedules controller and tested endpoints |
2/22/23 | 1.5h | NT | minor tweaks and postman testing |
2/22/23 | 3h | AA, CF, NT | controller setup and some testing |
2/21/23 | 2h | NT | user authentication and reptile manipulation functionality |
2/20/23 | 1.5h | AA, CF, JT, NT | postman setup |
2/17/23 | 1h | AA, CF, NT | prisma setup |
2/15/23 | 1h | JT | initiated repo |