1 - Setup to develop locally
You need install the Angular CLI , for this, you need :
- Terminal
- NodeJS
Enter the following command in the terminal window:
´´ npm install @angular/cli --save -g ´´
With this you have the "Angular CLI" and you can create a app with Angular.
2 - Create a proyect
Enter the following command in the terminal window:
´´ ng new tourOfHeroes ´´
This command create a Angular proyect (with the 'initial' template).
( img of folder architecture )
3 - Keep the app transpiling and running
Enter the following command in the terminal window:
´´ ng serve ´´
With this command the CLI :
- transpile the code
- build the proyect
- refresh the browser when the code change
- create a server
- run the app
-- end step-01 --
-- init step-02 --
2 - Create view of heroes
-- end step-02 --
-- init step-03 --
Create a Hero Class Change the view for the new class of hero
-- end step-03 --