Preview list rooms
preview chat
This project creates a chat system, in the room list screen it is possible to create, edit and delete rooms. After creating a room it is possible to enter in the room and start a chat with users who are online and in that room. The system notifies you when a user enters the room. In the room you can view the conversation history, as well as chat.
The images of users are the site GRAVATAR
First install package
composer install
npm install
create a database sql and set your configuration in .env file
A Pusher account is required. Create account and set this information according to the parameters required of the file .env
DB_DATABASE='your database name'
DB_USERNAME='your user database'
DB_PASSWORD='your password database'
PUSHER_APP_ID='your id'
PUSHER_APP_KEY='your key'
PUSHER_APP_SECRET='your secret'
PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER='your cluster'
Run database
php artisan migrate
or you can add data for testing using seeders with the command below. This command add 10 chat rooms and 11 users in your application
php artisan migrate --seed
start php server
php artisan serve
start node server mode watch
npm run development -- --watch
window.Echo = new Echo({
broadcaster: 'pusher',
key: 'yor key',
cluster: 'mt1',
forceTLS: true,
encrypted: false
The project is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.