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first final result of costum pattern functionality
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josef-stips committed Mar 9, 2024
1 parent e775f17 commit 8234dc1
Showing 4 changed files with 141 additions and 141 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/script/public/Game/CellGenerator.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -12,7 +12,12 @@ let boundaries = [];
const CalculateBoundaries = () => {
xCell_Amount = parseInt(xCell_Amount);
boundaries = [];


for (let i = xCell_Amount; i < xCell_Amount * xCell_Amount; i = i + xCell_Amount) boundaries.push(i);

boundaries.push(xCell_Amount * xCell_Amount);

// Creates the TicTacToe Field
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/script/public/Game/CreateGame.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1310,18 +1310,19 @@ const InitCreateLevelScene = () => {
CreatePattern_createPattern_btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
let drawed = checkUserDrawnPattern();
let existsInGame = checkCostumPatternAlreadyInGame();
let minimumIndexesRequiremementCheck = minimumIndexesRequiremement(3);

console.log(drawed, createCostumPattern_title.textContent)
console.log(drawed, createCostumPattern_title.textContent, minimumIndexesRequiremementCheck)

// user must provide costum name and atleast one drawed pattern
if (createCostumPattern_title.textContent != "pattern name" && createCostumPattern_title.textContent != "" && drawed && !existsInGame) {
if (createCostumPattern_title.textContent != "pattern name" && createCostumPattern_title.textContent != "" && drawed && !existsInGame && minimumIndexesRequiremementCheck) {


} else {
OpenedPopUp_WhereAlertPopUpNeeded = true;

AlertText.textContent = "Draw your new pattern and provide a costum name for it.";
AlertText.textContent = "Draw your new pattern and provide a costum name for it. Draw minimum on 3 cells.";
DisplayPopUp_PopAnimation(alertPopUp, "flex", true);
261 changes: 123 additions & 138 deletions src/script/public/Game/CreateGameLibrary/CostumPatternLogic.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -8,31 +8,62 @@ const CostumWinPattern = (PatternStructure, Fieldx, Fieldy) => {
// pattern in its origin form
let structure = PatternStructureAsOrigin(boundaries, PatternStructure, Fieldx);

// get pattern length to get through field boundaries
let lastIndex = Number(NearestIndexToBoundary(boundaries, structure));
let lastIndexBoundary = findLowerBoundary(lastIndex, boundaries, Fieldx);
let stepsOnIllegalBoundary = (lastIndex == Fieldx - 1 || lastIndex == 0) ? lastIndex : (lastIndex - lastIndexBoundary);

// literally the last index of the pattern minus the boundary steps
let lastAllowedPatternIndex = structure[structure.length - 1] - stepsOnIllegalBoundary;

console.log(structure, " last Index lol: ", lastIndex, lastIndexBoundary, lastAllowedPatternIndex, stepsOnIllegalBoundary);
// last Index of boundary data
let lastIndexData = NextBoundaryNearestIndex(boundaries, structure);
let lastIndex = lastIndexData[0];
let lastIndexBoundary = lastIndexData[1];
// steps to go on boundary overshoot
let stepsOnIllegalBoundary = lastIndex;
// when to stop win combination generating
let stopGeneratingIndex = (n - stepsOnIllegalBoundary);

let ll = lastIndexBoundary - lastIndex
let ww = Number(NextBoundaryNearestIndex(boundaries, [structure[structure.length - 1]])) - structure[structure.length - 1]

let result = ll - ww;
console.log(result, ll, ww);

// nearest index to the left side of the 5x5 field and its corresponding boundary
let yData = XboundaryNearestIndex(1, boundaries, structure);
let y = yData[0];
let by = yData[1];

console.log("yData: ", n, y, by);

let stopCommand = (n + y) - 1

structure : ${structure},
lastIndex : ${lastIndex},
lastIndexBoundary : ${lastIndexBoundary},
stepsOnIllegalBoundary : ${stepsOnIllegalBoundary},
stopGeneratingIndex : ${stopGeneratingIndex}

// generate pattern and push it to the official win patterns library
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
let pattern = []

// check for boundary overshoot
// for (let boundary of boundaries) i + stepsOnIllegalBoundary == boundary && (i = i + stepsOnIllegalBoundary);

for (let boundary of boundaries) i + stepsOnIllegalBoundary == boundary && (i = i + stepsOnIllegalBoundary);

// generate new pattern structure
structure.forEach(index => {
pattern.push(index + i);

if (pattern[pattern.length - 1] >= (n - (Math.abs(lastIndex - lastIndexBoundary))) - 1) break;
// stop generating
// console.log(pattern[pattern.length - 1], 5 - (pattern[pattern.length - 1] - findLowerBoundary(pattern[pattern.length - 1], boundaries)), (pattern[pattern.length - 1] - findLowerBoundary(pattern[pattern.length - 1], boundaries)));

console.log("stop command: ", stopCommand, pattern[pattern.length - 1])

// push win combination to win combination list

console.log(i + lastIndex, (n - (Math.abs(lastIndex - lastIndexBoundary))));
if (pattern[pattern.length - 1] >= stopCommand) break;

@@ -49,169 +80,123 @@ const PatternStructureAsOrigin = (boundaries, Structure, Fieldx) => {


// ascertain the first number of the structure
let firstIndex = NearestIndexToPreviousBoundary(boundaries, Structure, Fieldx);
let boundary = findCurrentBoundary(firstIndex, boundaries, Fieldx);
let previousBoundary = findLowerBoundary(PatternStructure[0], boundaries, Fieldx);
let stepsHorizontal = (boundary - firstIndex == 0) ? boundary - firstIndex : (boundary - firstIndex) - 1;
let steps = previousBoundary + stepsHorizontal;

console.log("first Index: ", firstIndex, steps, stepsHorizontal, previousBoundary, boundary);

if (firstIndex == 0) {
// pattern is already on its origin
return PatternStructure;

} else {
PatternStructure = => {
return index - steps;
// literally the first index of the pattern and its corresponding lower boundary
let x = Structure[0];
let bx = findLowerBoundary(x, boundaries);
// nearest index to the left side of the 5x5 field and its corresponding boundary
let yData = XboundaryNearestIndex(1, boundaries, PatternStructure);
let y = yData[0];
let by = yData[1];
// number to subtract from each index of pattern
let rowSteps = y - by;
let steps = bx + rowSteps;

x : ${x},
bx : ${bx},
yData : ${yData},
y : ${y},
by : ${by},
rowSteps : ${rowSteps},
steps : ${steps}

PatternStructure = => {
return index - steps;

return PatternStructure;
return PatternStructure;

// ascertain the nearest index to the boundaries
const NearestIndexToBoundary = (boundaries, structure) => {
console.log(structure, boundaries);

// Create an object to store pairs of index and corresponding boundary
const indexBoundaryPairs = {};
// ascertain the nearest index to the previous boundaries
const XboundaryNearestIndex = (boundaryType, boundaries, structure) => { // boundaryType = 1 (lower boundary of index) || 0 (current boundary of index)
let indexBoundaryPairs = {};

// For each index in the index array
// find corresponding boundary to index
structure.forEach(index => {
// Loop through the boundaries array to find the corresponding range
for (let i = 0; i < boundaries.length; i++) {
// If the index exactly matches a boundary
if (index === boundaries[i]) {
indexBoundaryPairs[index] = boundaries[i + 1] == undefined ? boundaries[i] : boundaries[i + 1];
// If the index is within the current boundary
else if (index > boundaries[i] && index < boundaries[i + 1] || index < boundaries[i] && index > 0) {
// Store the pair in the object
indexBoundaryPairs[index] = boundaries[i];
break; // Exit the loop once the range is found
const boundary = boundaries[i];

// if (index <= boundaries[i]) {
// // Aktualisiere die niedrigere Grenze
// indexBoundaryPairs[index] = boundaries[i + 1];
console.log(index, boundary);

// };
if (index < boundary) {
indexBoundaryPairs[index] = boundaries[i - boundaryType];

console.log(" index boundary pairs: ", indexBoundaryPairs);

// Compare the difference between the pairs and find the smallest difference
let minDifference = Infinity;
let minDifferenceIndex = null;
let minDifferenceBoundary = null;

Object.entries(indexBoundaryPairs).forEach(([index, boundary]) => {
const difference = Math.abs(index - boundary);

console.log(index, " - ", boundary, " = ", difference);
// find index which is nearest to its lower boundary
let bestDiff = Infinity;
let bestIndex = null;
let bestBoundary = null;

if (difference < minDifference) {
for (let [index, boundary] of Object.entries(indexBoundaryPairs)) {
let diff = index - boundary;

minDifference = difference;
minDifferenceIndex = index;
minDifferenceBoundary = boundary;
if (diff < bestDiff) {
bestDiff = diff;
bestIndex = index;
bestBoundary = boundary;

return minDifferenceIndex;
// console.log(bestDiff, bestIndex, bestBoundary)
return [Number(bestIndex), Number(bestBoundary)];

// ascertain the nearest index to the previous boundaries
const NearestIndexToPreviousBoundary = (boundaries, structure, Fieldx) => {
let smallestDifference = -Infinity;
let bestIndex = null;
let bestIndexPossibleFound = false;
let bestBoundaryFoundOnIndex = null;

// Durchlaufe die Indexe im Array
structure.forEach(number => {
let lowerBoundary = boundaries[0];
const NextBoundaryNearestIndex = (boundaries, structure) => {
let indexBoundaryPairs = {};

// Durchlaufe die Grenzwerte im Boundaries-Array
// find corresponding boundary to index
structure.forEach(index => {
for (let i = boundaries.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Wenn die Zahl zwischen dem aktuellen Grenzwert und dem vorherigen liegt
if (number <= boundaries[i]) {
// Aktualisiere die niedrigere Grenze
lowerBoundary = boundaries[i];


console.log(number, boundaries[i], i, boundaries, lowerBoundary)
const boundary = boundaries[i];

// if (number > boundaries[i]) {
// if (number != bestBoundaryFoundOnIndex) {
// lowerBoundary = boundaries[i];
// bestBoundaryFoundOnIndex = number;
console.log(index, boundary);

// } else {};
// };

// Berechne die Differenz zwischen der niedrigeren Grenze und dem Index
const difference = lowerBoundary - number;
console.log(lowerBoundary, " - ", number, " = ", difference);

// Aktualisiere die kleinste Differenz, falls die aktuelle Differenz kleiner ist
if ((difference > smallestDifference || difference == 0) && !bestIndexPossibleFound) {
smallestDifference = difference;
bestIndex = number;

if (difference == 0) bestIndexPossibleFound = true;
if (index >= boundary) {
indexBoundaryPairs[index] = boundaries[i + 1];

return bestIndex;

const findLowerBoundary = (number, boundaries, FieldX) => {
let lowerBoundary = boundaries[0];
// find index which is nearest to its lower boundary
let bestDiff = Infinity;
let bestIndex = null;
let bestBoundary = null;

// loop boundaries
for (let i = boundaries.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// if number lies between current an previous value
if (number <= boundaries[i]) {
// update lower bound
// if lower bound is at its lowest: return boundary. else: return previous bound. To prevent an undefined value
lowerBoundary = (boundaries[i] == FieldX) ? boundaries[i] : boundaries[i - 1];
for (let [index, boundary] of Object.entries(indexBoundaryPairs)) {
let diff = boundary - index;

if (diff < bestDiff) {
bestDiff = diff;
bestIndex = index;
bestBoundary = boundary;

// if (number > boundaries[i]) {
// lowerBoundary = boundaries[i];
// return lowerBoundary;
// };

return lowerBoundary;
// console.log(bestDiff, bestIndex, bestBoundary)
return [Number(bestIndex), Number(bestBoundary)];

const findCurrentBoundary = (number, boundaries, FieldX) => {
let lowerBoundary = boundaries[0];
// input one index and boundary list, returns lower boundary of index
const findLowerBoundary = (index, boundaries) => {
let lowerBoundary = null;

// loop boundaries
for (let i = boundaries.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// if number lies between current an previous value
if (number <= boundaries[i]) {
// update lower bound
// if lower bound is at its lowest: return boundary. else: return previous bound. To prevent an undefined value
lowerBoundary = boundaries[i];
for (let i = 0; i < boundaries.length; i++) {
const boundary = boundaries[i];

if (index < boundary) {
lowerBoundary = boundaries[i - 1];
return lowerBoundary;

// if (number > boundaries[i]) {
// lowerBoundary = boundaries[i];
// return lowerBoundary;
// };

return lowerBoundary;
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/script/public/Game/CreateGameLibrary/UserCostumStuff.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -404,4 +404,13 @@ const checkCostumPatternInCurrentLevel = (patternName, patternStructure) => {
return true;

} else return false;

// how many indexes the user should minimum draw
const minimumIndexesRequiremement = amount => {
let indexesAmount = 0;

[...createCostumPattern_Field.children].forEach(cell => (cell.classList.contains("draw")) && indexesAmount++);

return (indexesAmount >= amount) ? true : false;

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