I'm a full software developer with experience in Project Management and a passion for creating intuitive and dynamic web applications using a variety of technologies, including:
TypeScript/Javascript, Java/Scala, Python
Experience with Spark ecosystem(Databricks) - sparkSQL, pyspark, sparkScala
React.js, Angular.js, Redux
Nodejs, Express
Relational & non relational Databases [Postgres, Mongodb, Delta Tables]
Experience with Tableau, Alteryx and PowerBI
aMAZEthing - Amazething
Real-time multiplayer game with a learning component. Algorithms such as Merge Sort and A* pathfinding are visualized to aid in understanding. Built using React, TypeScript, SocketIO, Auth0, and Redux.
Tactic-toe - TacTic-Toe
A web app that allows users to train their own Tic-Tac-Toe AI model and engage in real-time battles. Built using Angular, SocketIO, PostgreSQL, Express, and Passport.js.
Atypical - Atypical
The solution is a web application where you can test your typing skills with different difficulties.