Manage your food simply: order, track and replenish your perishable items.
We wanted to build an incredibly simple IoT Solution for tracking perishables, so that you'd never waste food due to expiration dates again.
Through our web app, we keep track of an inventory of time-sensitive items in one’s fridge – Our backend services and databases allow us to sync users’ information across multiple devices: mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and even into their smart fridges built-in with Raspberry Pi. A user can scan a receipt of groceries, and ReFresh will tag and aggregate the purchased items and display them with an expiration timer. Users are able to take advantage of Postmates to re-order their food items as the expiration date approaches. Furthermore, ReFresh suggests recipes that use the expiring ingredients and sends text message reminders as items are nearing expiration (via Twilio).
- Google Places/Maps API
- Postmates API for the re-ordering process
- Spoonacular Recipes API for recipe suggestions using soon-to-be expired ingredients.