*Project will no longer be updated. All work was completed at CruzHacks 2018 and the Devpost can be found here
The repo containing all our things for CruzHacks 2018!
What is it? LockupLookup is a cheap, safe, and easy way for users to secure their parked bikes at a bike rack. Users can easily use Lockup Lookup to secure their bike, and remotely check-in to ensure their bike hasn't been moved. Deployers of Lockup Lookup receive the frequency of usage for a specific bike rack, and can track anonymized user data that can map out common routes taken by bikers between bike racks.
Using the Arduino micro controller as a base, we designed a simple switch to be activated when the bike is in place and send that data through a WiFi chip. Providing the WiFi chip with a cellular signal will allow the user to view this info using the app.
Used Firebase RT Database and Android App to watch it,
Adruino mock found here (created w/ Firebase)
* Adruino Mega 2560
* ESP 8266-01 (WiFi chip)
* ALCOswitch
* Male to male/ male to female wires
* Green LED
Special thanks to CruzHacks, MLH, and their sponsers for making this event possible