Built with: Java, Javascript, HTML/CSS, Android Studio, Solidworks
Finding time to go to the OPERS Gym to exercise is hard enough when managing your schedule, but the issue is made worse when you go to the Gym and it is overcrowded and there are no machines or wights to work out with, The goal of our hack was to allow students to better be able to better time their visits to the gym, allowing them to better manage their time and get in a better workout. ##What it does Our hack is a combination of a physical device and a web application, working in unison to track the number of people that enter and leave a building in our case OPERS the gym at UCSC.
We built an app that allowed us to scan the student ID from the barcode of the ID card, we then added this bar code to an array where it was kept until the same ID was scanned again, using HTML we made a web page where the number of items in the array would be displayed which would be equal to the number of ID's currently scanned in.
Originally the project was going to consist of reading the RFID of the student ID cards, however, we could not get our RFID reader working, so we decided that it would be better to make a working system that used barcode reading instead. Although this did deviate from the original goal of the project, We can always go back and make some small changes when we get a working RFID reader. Making this change allowed us to make much more progress rather than spending time on a problem that would not be fixable during the Hackathon.
We are very proud of many things in this project. We are proud that we were able to learn many new skills and apply them to more real-life situations, we are proud that we were able to overcome our challenges, and we are proud that we were able to make a finished project even with little experience in many of these fields.
We learned how to use HTML to create a website, how to use an Arduino board, and we learned that it is better to make a change to your project than to get hung up on small problems.
Population OPERS and its applications could be applied to many things beyond the gym, This project could be used to track the population in other buildings, as well as being used as a way to take attendance officially in classes. We also plan to one day find working hardware and complete our original goal of making Population OPERS an RFID scanner making it more efficient and convent then ever.