pipenv run python3 main.py test/inputs/seattle-lights.json
pipenv shell # Activate virtual environment
pipenv check
pytest --log-cli-level=INFO
pytest test_mod.py::TestClass::test_method pytest test/assembler_test.py::TestAssembler::test_add_text_all_blocks
pipenv run python3 main.py test/inputs/ RUN WITH LOGS TO CONSOLE: Comment out line in logging.basicCongig in main.py
Download images zip folder Change BG_FOLDER_PATH (src/constants/bg_images.py) to the location locally of the unzipped bg images
Pipenv guide: https://realpython.com/pipenv-guide/
Let's put all output files into a folder called temp_output/ Name files based off of their assembler / downloader step name Steps:
- Downloader - download the tiles
- Assembler - assemble-tiles to one image
- Assembler - crop-image to the bbox
- Assembler - add-pin to the image
- TransparencyTransformer - Adds transparency to the tile layer. Adds image as background.
- Assembler - add-style to the map image (transparency etc.)
- Assembler - add-text to the image
- Assembler - add-border to the image
TO DO List:
Ctrl shift I thing to automatically fix spacing stuff.
Clean up import so that they don’t have *. Only import functions
Exception Handling
Result Codes
Validating Engine inputs
Strong typing / hybrid? Not sure? Research pros and cons. Might not be worth doing.
Unit Testing - PyTest
Integration Testing
Acceptance Testing
Delete images we downloaded once we are done with them. Clean up functions for each engine call (assembler, downloader, etc.)
Bbox edge cases: lon and lat across prime meridian /equator. How are those handled.
Think of better way to separate engine_utils into multiple utils.
FIll in ValueValidator Class