2021-06-24 Version 1.36
* [Windows] Do not maximize console window by default
* [Windows] Fix maximize console bug
* [Windows] Detect that program is launched by powershell.exe or explorer.exe
* [UNIX] Reformat information about used inodes and partitions
* [JSON] Fix bug in Ncdu export when filename contains double quotes
* Show 8 biggest files by default (customizable)
* Display sizes in human readable format by default (customizable)
* Add Go module support
Ready-to-run binary packages below. Extract files on your system and copy the appropriate binary to a directory registered in your 'PATH' environment variable:
f4b0516056ec92b2f269dd06e94eaf5a tdu_freebsd_v1.36.tar.xz
f738d2d4bfe4d8e7c31a7b2f9384a90a tdu_linux_v1.36.tar.xz
8f415740f08fcba69aec482f67566640 tdu_windows_v1.36.zip