Host local self-updating webpage mirror with wget!
I need to mirror a remote webpage locally. Problem is - the webpage can be updated at any time, and the mirror needs to stay current. Here's my solution! Python script uses a tailored wget command to download mirrorized site, updating on 1hr intervals. I tried many flag combinations and this is what works best for a single page local mirror, see flag explainations below. In my environment .
is pointed to the htdocs
folder of my Apache webserver. Edit
with your domain and webserver directory of choice, then run!
import os
import time
while True:
# Grab latest mirror
os.system("wget -E -H -k -K -nd -N -p -P .")
# -E = Include suffix ‘.html’ to be appended to the local filename
# -H = Enable spanning across hosts when doing recursive retrieving
# -k = Convert links to make sutible for local viewing (javascript + css imports)
# -K = Back up the original version with a ‘.orig’ suffix
# -nd = Enable "distruct" to overwrite old files
# -N = If file exists locally and remote file is not newer, don't download
# -p = Download just this single page and all its requisites
# -P = Specify location to download site files, I use '.' to target current directory
print("Mirror Updated! Waiting 1hr...")
If the webpage requires credentials - Try logging in first to recieve a user token, then use that subsequent retrievals.
--header "Authorization: Basic ac1zMDUzDFpJbnRltJhEYGAwMCA"