Clone repo
Install depends
python -m pip install -U pip setuptools pip-tools wheel tox
Develop feature or hotfix (recommend adding tests where applicable)
Test with
which will run the test driver, check coverage, and generate a new coverage-badge for us automatically. -
(recommended) check lint with
tox -e lint
which checks repo with black and isort. -
(recommended) check format with
tox -e format
which runs flake8 on repo. -
(recommended) check types with
tox -e typing
which runs mypy on repo. -
Sanity checks
Push code
(maintainers only) build package and deploy to PyPI
python setup.py build
python setup.py check
python setup.py deploy
pip-compile can pin our depends for us. use with pip-compile .\requirements\dev.in
for example. The docs can be found here https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools/.