Nominal typing in TypeScript.
# npm
npm install ts-nominal
# yarn
yarn add ts-nominal
# pnpm
pnpm install ts-nominal
Create a nominal type from any type T
using the unique symbol U
import type { Nominal } from "ts-nominal";
declare const __FOO_STRING_ID: unique symbol;
type FooString = Nominal<string, typeof __FOO_STRING_ID>;
declare let foo: FooString;
declare let fooLike: string;
// 'FooString' can be assigned to type 'string'
fooLike = foo;
// 'string' cannot be assigned to type 'FooString'
foo = fooLike; // Error: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'FooString'.
// casting still works
foo = fooLike as FooString;
Cast value
to the nominal type T
. Equivalent to value as T
, but with autocompletion for value
It does not modify value
in any way and has essentially no overhead on the resulting JavaScript (transpiles to (value) => value
import { type Nominal, nominal } from "ts-nominal";
declare const __FOO_STRING_ID: unique symbol;
type FooString = Nominal<string, typeof __FOO_STRING_ID>;
const foo: FooString = nominal<FooString>("foo");
// create a factory by only providing the type argument
const createFoo = nominal<FooString>;
const foo2 = createFoo("foo2");
// comparisons still function as usual
foo === "foo"; // true
foo === "bar"; // false