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This project implements a web-based system for managing an International Mathematics Competition for primary school children.


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License This project implements a web-based system for managing an International Mathematics Competition for primary school children.


The International Education Services Mathematics Competition System is designed to facilitate a nationwide mathematics competition for primary school students. It allows for the registration of schools and participants, the management of competition challenges, and the reporting of results and analytics. The system is composed of three main components:

  1. Client Application (Java) - Command-line interface (CLI) for participants and school representatives.
  2. Server Application (Java) - Manages file and database operations for the CLI.
  3. Web Interface (PHP, Laravel Framework) - Admin portal for managing the competition, uploading questions and answers, and generating reports.

Table of Contents


  • School registration and validation
  • Question and answer management
  • Challenge management
  • Participant registration and validation
  • Challenge participation with random question selection
  • Automated scoring and reporting
  • Comprehensive analytics and reports

System Components

Client Application

The client application is a Java-based command-line interface (CLI) for participants and school representatives.

CLI Menu

  • Register: register username firstname lastname email date_of_birth school_registration_number image_file.png
  • ViewChallenges: Lists available challenges.
  • AttemptChallenge: Start a challenge.
  • ViewResults: View results of attempted challenges.

Server Application

The server application is responsible for file and database operations and is also developed in Java.

Key Functions

  • Store and manage participant, school, and challenge data.
  • Handle file uploads (questions and answers).
  • Send email notifications for registration confirmation and result reports.
  • Randomly select questions for challenges.
  • Calculate scores and generate reports.

Web Interface

The web interface is built using the PHP Laravel framework and serves as the admin portal.

Admin Portal

  • Upload schools, questions, and answers.
  • Set challenge parameters.
  • View and manage participant data.
  • Generate reports and analytics.

Database Design

The system uses a relational database with the following tables:

  1. Schools

    • school_id (Primary Key)
    • name
    • district
    • registration_number
    • representative_name
    • representative_email
  2. Participants

    • participant_id (Primary Key)
    • username
    • firstname
    • lastname
    • email
    • date_of_birth
    • school_id (Foreign Key)
    • status (Pending, Confirmed, Rejected)
  3. Challenges

    • challenge_id (Primary Key)
    • name
    • start_date
    • end_date
    • duration
    • num_questions
  4. Questions

    • question_id (Primary Key)
    • challenge_id (Foreign Key)
    • question_text
    • answer
    • marks
  5. Attempts

    • attempt_id (Primary Key)
    • participant_id (Foreign Key)
    • challenge_id (Foreign Key)
    • score
    • time_taken
    • attempt_date
  6. Results

    • result_id (Primary Key)
    • attempt_id (Foreign Key)
    • question_id (Foreign Key)
    • given_answer
    • marks_awarded
  7. RejectedParticipants

    • rejected_id (Primary Key)
    • username
    • school_id (Foreign Key)
    • reason



  • Java Development Kit (JDK)
  • Apache Maven
  • PHP and Composer
  • Laravel Framework
  • MySQL or another relational database


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd International-Mathematics-Competition-System
  2. Set up the database:

    • Create a database named math_competition.
    • Run the SQL scripts in the db directory to set up the tables:
    CREATE DATABASE math_competition;
  3. Configure the server application Update the file with your database credentials db.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/math_competition db.username=your_db_username db.password=your_db_password email.smtp.port=587 email.password=your_email_password

  4. Build and run the server application

    cd server
    mvn clean install
    java -jar target/server.jar
  5. Set up the web interface:

    cd web
    composer install
    cp .env.example .env
    php artisan key:generate
  6. Update the .env file with your database and email server credentials: DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST = DB_PORT =3306 DB_DATABASE=math_competition DB_USERNAME =your_db_username DB_PASSWORD =your_db_password MAIL_MAILER =smtp MAIL_HOST MAIL_PORT = 587 MAIL_USERNAME MAIL_PASSWORD =your_email_password MAIL_ENCRYPTION= tls MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS= MAIL_FROM_NAME ="${APP_NAME}"

  7. Run the database migrations to set up the values

    php artisan migrate
  8. Serve the application

    php artisan serve


CLI Commands

  1. Register a participant:
    register username firstname lastname email date_of_birth school_registration_number image_file.png
  2. View available challenges:
  3. Attempt a challenge:
    attemptChallenge challengeNumber
  4. View results of attempted challenges:

API Endpoints

  1. Upload Schools(POST /admin/upload-schools):
  2. Upload Questions(POST /admin/upload-questions):
  3. Upload Answes(POST /admin/upload-answers):
  4. Set Challenge Parameters(POST /admin/set-challenge-params):


Most Correctly Answered Questions School Rankings Performance of Schools and Participants Over Time List of Worst Performing Schools List of Best Performing Schools List of PArticipants with Incomplete Challenges


I welcome contributions! Please follow these steps: 1.Fork the repository 2.Create a new branch(git checkout -b feature-branch) 3.Make your changes 4.Commit your changes(git commit -m 'Added some feature') 5.Push to the branch(git push origin feature-branch) 6.Open a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use and modify this template for your own recess projects.


This project implements a web-based system for managing an International Mathematics Competition for primary school children.







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