axe DevTools Enterprise has an officially supported Cypress integration. Please use that instead. This repository is no longer actively maintained.
Cypress-attest is an integration of Worldspace Attest for the Cypress testing tool.
This project would not be possible without the crew that made cypress-axe. Huge thanks to them for guiding the way. Cypress-attest is a clone/fork, but replaces the axe-core tool with Worldspace Attest.
- Worldspace Attest (attest-node & attest-reporter)
⚠️ Attest requires a license to use. Read more or contact the Deque team for more detail.
- Cypress
npm install -D
yarn add -D
Update Cypress/plugins/index.js
file to include the cypress-attest tasks by adding:
const {logResults} = require('cypress-attest/tasks');
module.exports = (on, config) => {
on('task', {logResults})
Update Cypress/support/index.js
file to include the cypress-attest commands by adding:
import 'cypress-attest'
Inject the Attest package into the page under test.
before( function () {
Run the Attest tool and build a report with the results
it('Does a thing', function () {
This function accepts arguments for the reporter, scope/context, and run options.
reportName: 'Login Page', //name of the report
scopeName: 'Form', //name of the scope
directory: 'cyAccessibilityReports', //folder to save reports to, default: cy-a11y-results
'form#login-form' //the selector for the scope you want to test.
You can also skip the reporting output entirely by providing false
in place of the reporting options object.
'form#login-form' //the selector for the scope you want to test.
The report output is stored on the root of your project directory. The default directory name is cy-a11y-results, but this can be changed using the reporter options outlined above.