Checks if the Windows spooler service is working by printing a test page to a NUL printer.
When you send jobs to a NUL printer, files leave the spool as if they are being printed, but are deleted instead.
For this sensor to work, a dummy printer has to be installed on the target print server:
$cred = Get-Credential
$SessionParams = @{}
$SessionParams.ComputerName = "printsrv01"
# if no WinRM enabled on the target server use DCOM
$SessionParams.SessionOption = (New-CimSessionOption -Protocol DCOM)
$session = New-CimSession @SessionParams -Credential $cred
Add-Printerport -Cimsession $session -Name "NUL:"
Add-Printer -Cimsession $session -Name "MyDummyPrinter" -Drivername "Microsoft XPS Document Writer v4" -Portname "NUL:"
- set by PRTG when using Set placeholders as environment variables
in the sensor settings
- sets the protocol to use with the New-Cimsession cmdlet (DCOM
; defaults to WSMAN
- sets the printer name (default: MyDummyPrinter