We want to generate and maintain in real-time the lists of the top 3 currently most loved and top 3 currently most hated NBA players on earth\
- As NBA geeks, we want to know which players are currently the fans’ favorites, and which players are currently the most hated player on earth (probably Russell Westbrook right now)
- We sort of know from the news and from our daily conversations with friends. But can we quantify it?
- The list may change frequently, especially during the playoffs. So real-time analytics may be great!
- We want to see from the fans’ perspective. Number of fan tweets and their sentiment are our metrics. Players’ game stats are not our concern.
1. /GET topplayers (params: count(optional)=3, sentiment(optional)='NETURAL|POSITIVE|NEGATIVE', interval(optional)=24)\
Note: interval is in number of hours (e.g. 1,24,24*7)
GET https://sgc0m5do03.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/topplayers?interval=24&count=3
[{"player_full_name": "Joel Embiid", "count": "233", "ranking": "1", "past_count": "584", "past_ranking": "5"}, {"player_full_name": "LeBron James", "count": "159", "ranking": "2", "past_count": "1115", "past_ranking": "1"}, {"player_full_name": "Paul George", "count": "138", "ranking": "3", "past_count": "14", "past_ranking": "86"}]
GET https://sgc0m5do03.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/playerv2?fullname=Trae%20Young
[{"interval": "week", "sentiment": "positive", "player_full_name": "Trae Young", "count": "5", "ranking": "12", "past_count": "11", "past_ranking": "5"}, {"interval": "week", "sentiment": "all", "player_full_name": "Trae Young", "count": "45", "ranking": "14", "past_count": "92", "past_ranking": "6"}, {"interval": "day", "sentiment": "positive", "player_full_name": "Trae Young", "count": "5", "ranking": "12", "past_count": null, "past_ranking": null}, {"interval": "day", "sentiment": "negative", "player_full_name": "Trae Young", "count": "13", "ranking": "9", "past_count": null, "past_ranking": null}, {"interval": "week", "sentiment": "negative", "player_full_name": "Trae Young", "count": "13", "ranking": "9", "past_count": "10", "past_ranking": "6"}, {"interval": "day", "sentiment": "all", "player_full_name": "Trae Young", "count": "45", "ranking": "14", "past_count": null, "past_ranking": null}]
Note: start/end are the number of hours from the current timestamp
count represents the num of tweets you want for each of the 3 sentiments
GET https://sgc0m5do03.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/tweets?fullname=Trae%20Young&count=1
[{"tweet_id": "1515099645764112386", "tweet_text": "\ud83d\udd25FD Odds Boost\ud83d\udd25\n\nI\u2019m really liking the value on both of these odds boosts! Garland has been on fire and Young is do for a bounce back game. \n\n#NBA #NBApicks #BasketballPicks #FreePicks #SportsBetting #SportsPicks #Betting #WinningPicks #GamblingTwitter #bettingtwitter https://t.co/5m3YYDu8F8", "sentiment": "POSITIVE", "created_at": "2022-04-15 22:47:59.000", "player_full_name": "Trae Young"}, {"tweet_id": "1515098758526214147", "tweet_text": "Picks for tonight: \nDarius Garland over 42 fantasy score\nBrandon Ingram over 23.5 points\nKevin Love over 7 rebounds\nTrae Young over 29.5 points\nCan also play Embiid .5 points if you haven\u2019t yet\n\n#nba #GamblingTwitter #nbabets #PrizePicks #nbaprops", "sentiment": "NEUTRAL", "created_at": "2022-04-15 22:44:27.000", "player_full_name": "Trae Young"}, {"tweet_id": "1515090073691193344", "tweet_text": "@IcecxldTony @Clippersia @LegendOfWinning Trae is the worst defender in the league PG13 is a consistent all nba defensive team level defender and a better shooter then Trae", "sentiment": "NEGATIVE", "created_at": "2022-04-15 22:09:57.000", "player_full_name": "Trae Young"}]
Note: The "EmbedUrl" field in the response body are the charts
GET https://sgc0m5do03.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/charts
{"ResponseMetadata": {"RequestId": "67110bd0-b849-410e-b76e-be9f23e1d437", "HTTPStatusCode": 200, "HTTPHeaders": {"date": "Wed, 27 Apr 2022 18:56:23 GMT", "content-type": "application/json", "content-length": "1050", "connection": "keep-alive", "x-amzn-requestid": "67110bd0-b849-410e-b76e-be9f23e1d437"}, "RetryAttempts": 0}, "Status": 200, "EmbedUrl": "https://us-east-1.quicksight.aws.amazon.com/embed/2bce86dc541b42ae862ed56a6e1b3fd7/dashboards/6ccb3230-44ce-4c47-af10-ae80c12bd1fc?code=AYABePmKSmoiybgUX2WNUWgnt8kAAAABAAdhd3Mta21zAEthcm46YXdzOmttczp1cy1lYXN0LTE6MjU5NDgwNDYyMTMyOmtleS81NGYwMjdiYy03MDJhLTQxY2YtYmViNS0xNDViOTExNzFkYzMAuAECAQB4EeOLgrUr51nsHbjCawUUKjOqEm284CNxqOjvtm6TGiwBvsw5Yp3Tj9GiOQRSPESBUgAAAH4wfAYJKoZIhvcNAQcGoG8wbQIBADBoBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHgYJYIZIAWUDBAEuMBEEDGfAu5wXgkwVkTSuhwIBEIA7_3u0qIAib9yak3xjmEJfsgBUUA_xwEe3lKS-vbEgYGMD5VlFicURTodn-HivpZISUgby_EEJFwlUC9ECAAAAAAwAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA753TwOou0hexFjEP8u2LFf____8AAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAA5fQZQiNrJIodzYnEJz4h0cN4S5RxVsTelUt8KwVQJCOnOExryciFIO97qvz78R0HqxtCSK3jaQOQt67ZCpc6fB4Fc7IMriqAa9y4nBSSeRTljLSTy9nfS3T4AcMdAtO65W_VD_uaEvy_KRfY-LqttPcJdmLUTdq7rVTPw9aFI5j6o_pinI30GHsLiCXHSi4Mg9yU2umc9vcGhc7CoRG6gvp-NHZjAauyaL7suZcda4B6X8SbaJXZyIj-VurFR51SepIB5AfzGk65S869G1Q_im_CPykbCyUQdDg4vGHHy7-XTBh_ZO2tWKe40D1nUn1ZIqqBsU-F&identityprovider=quicksight&isauthcode=true", "RequestId": "67110bd0-b849-410e-b76e-be9f23e1d437"}
POST https://sgc0m5do03.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/subscribe
"player":"Ja Morant"
"SubscriptionArn": "pending confirmation",
"ResponseMetadata": {
"RequestId": "4772efe4-0695-5274-bb9c-b507f0f53fc2",
"HTTPStatusCode": 200,
"HTTPHeaders": {
"x-amzn-requestid": "4772efe4-0695-5274-bb9c-b507f0f53fc2",
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"date": "Thu, 28 Apr 2022 01:55:44 GMT"
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GET https://sgc0m5do03.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/subscribe?username=markyamhs@gmail.com
["Chris Paul", "Giannis Antetokounmpo", "Lebron James"]
Note: starttime/endtime are the number of hours from the current timestamp
{"ALL": [{"player_full_name": "Trae Young", "count": "92", "ranking": "6"}], "POSITIVE": [{"player_full_name": "Trae Young", "count": "11", "ranking": "5"}], "NEGATIVE": [{"player_full_name": "Trae Young", "count": "10", "ranking": "6"}], "NEUTRAL": [{"player_full_name": "Trae Young", "count": "68", "ranking": "6"}]}
- Top 3 most liked players of the day/month
- Top 3 most hated players of the day/month
- See some of the recent tweets of the current top 3 most liked/hated players
- Past trends
- Find your player’s popularity ranking
- Subscribe to daily report about your favorite player