IMPORTANT NOTICE: official repository has been moved to This repo is only a backup and will not be maintained in the future
Author: Alioune Schurz
This program enables to identify the main structures with the given targeted molecular weight and seed scaffolds. The core optimization problem solved within this procedure (referred as CSCCP) is solved in this distribution by implementing a Dynamic programming algorithm (DP): A GPU accelerated version of the DP, named GAME, developed by Alioune Schurz is implemented in this library.
numpy >= 1.7.1 openbabel-python >= 1.3 jinja2
cuda 5 pycuda don't forget to configure the path and to mount the device in /dev (c.f. CUDA installation guide)
make sure you install hadoop-1.0.3
Please make sure that the libgamefft library is installed on your system. (Refer to the section A)
This will compile and install the library in /usr/lib/ From the distribution's root run:
cd lib/libgamefft make sudo make install
It is very simple, just do:
- Install libgamefft (cf. section A)
- From the distribution's root run: python install
- Test the distribution by running
When installing the distribution, a script called csccp-solver-cli is installed.
Thanks to it you can solve CSCCP using different methods. Go at GAME/bin and type:
$> csccp-solver-cli -s GAME/examples/normal/example-data -m 168.195105 -v idp -l cc -r 3 -c 0 --dec 5
The program of csccp-solver-cli (GAME) will use the seed scaffolds included in the sepcified foldder after "-s" (the file in this case is s0000000001) to identified the structures having a targeted weight 168.195105 (-m 168.195105) in configuration 0 (-c 0) and ourput the top 3 (-r 3) most probable molecules. The csccp-solver-cli used the DP algorithm (-v idp), implemented in C++ (-v cc).
PS. In general, r is set to 310, dec is set to 15
In the file of *.cIdx, assume that the number in line 3 is x, we can set the index of configuration (-c) from 0 to x-1.
You should get this output in this case:
------------------csccp info---------------- scaffold: s0000000001 n: 2 R: 3 mass_peak (w0): 168.195105 mass_peak_min:168.111007448 mass_peak_max: 168.279202553 scaffold_weight_rel2config:106.12194 scaffold_probability_rel2config: 0.026296875 min_possible_weight: 152.120115 max_possible_weight: 498.210115 wmin: 61.9890674475 wmax: 62.1572625525 configuration: [7, 3] number of sidechains (K): [5, 6] number of compounds: 30 W,P,sidechain_smiles won't be displayed... ------------------end------------------------ Starting Iterative Dynamic Programming Finished with 1 iterations: RR=30<=30. Reason: len(filtered_results)=4 < RR Probability Weight Smile
- 1.972266e-04 1.681951e+02 C1C/C(=C\CC)C(=O)CC1CO
- 1.150488e-04 1.681951e+02 C1C/C(=C\CCO)C(=O)CC1C
- 6.574219e-05 1.681951e+02 C1C/C(=C\O)C(=O)CC1C(C)C
To query information on a scaffold file you can type:
$> csccp-solver-cli -s data/full_set/normal/s0000000001 -i
You should get this output:
name: s0000000001 popularity: 20 scaffold_weight_plus_hydrogens: 110.1537 min_possible_weight: 152.120115 max_possible_weight: 498.210115 number of configurations: 8 max number of compounds: 0:30 1:36 2:6 3:90 4:60 5:180 6:5 7:20
The identified(validated) main structures in our four tesing natural products were provided in the GAME/examples/Datasets/structures
All seed scaffolds (*.cIdx files) in our collected database that can be used as input of the "csccp-solver-cli" program were provided in the GAME/examples/core_index The index(filename) of seed scaffolds of the four datasets were listed in the GAME/examples/Datasets/scaffolds. (the parameter of -c in csccp-solver-cli) The targeted molecular weights of the four datasets were also provided in GAME/examples/MW/. (the parameter of -m in csccp-solver-cli)