If you find yourself using this package, please send me an email, and I'll make this more convenient.
bash ./setup.sh # This script is small, but dispatches to sudo; read it before you run it.
mkdir bin/
cd bin/
cmake ..
Note, you'll have to re-run cmake any time you add/remove headers or otherwise change dependencies, because this repo uses an implicit dependency management system, which infers dependencies from header chains. Any folder without a CMakeLists.txt is generating libraries in this way.
cd experiments/bin
cmake .. && make jetsim && ./run/jetsim
cd experiments/pymake
sudo python setup.py install
[ ] Add bombela to pymake [ ] Make Gandi refer to github
- Figure out how to make my github.io display images (Wowee!)
- pdfs on control
- Code Generation & compute-graph specification
- Generate differential equation solvers
- Generate malloc-free sparse matrix operations
- stm32f adventures
- Lanczos
- Lagrangian physics tools
- Little 4-legged walker
- "Plausible" 3D fluids -- how did they do
From Dust
? - Signed distance field rendering fmwk
- Gl4 Window
- How to think about rotation
http://hhoppe.com/ravg.pdf https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Paulo_Oliveira11/publication/224230400_Geometric_Approach_to_Strapdown_Magnetometer_Calibration_in_Sensor_Frame/links/00b7d527b9b7297d54000000/Geometric-Approach-to-Strapdown-Magnetometer-Calibration-in-Sensor-Frame.pdf https://radionavlab.ae.utexas.edu/images/stories/files/papers/sierra_for_distribution.pdf
- Unify VecN...