This is a seating chart app for Ichiban, a hibachi restaurant in Asheville NC. I worked there as a host and all of their seating was done on paper. I decided to try to create an app that would allow the seating chart to be done on the iPad.
In order to do this, I had to ask the other hosts what they wanted in the app and then go back and tweak the design. One of the key points was simplicity. There was an app that they had to do this but it required many button clicks, pop-ups, and page changes. I really enjoyed this real-world practice with designing for a user.
This app's landing screen has twelve rectangles that each represent one of the hibachi tables at Ichiban. Each table has the ability to set the number of people sitting there, close the table for no more seats, mark the table as having been cooked, and time how long the table has been sitting, all within a clean design with minimal pop-ups.
This app also includes the functionality to add the servers for the day and each table can be assigned a server. The "Servers" pop-up window will then keep track of how many tables each server has had that particular day as well as how many customers in total they have interacted with.
This was the first larger scale project I did in Swift so since I had limited knowledge, I didn't try to conform to any particular design pattern (such as MVVM) other than following object oriented programming.