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Repository for Ethereum development in Golang


The link to the documentation can be found here: and

Below, you find the documentation on how scripts can be executed per topic. Always make sure to jump into the respective folders before executing the commands. e.g. jump into the client folder before executing commands like go run main.go.

This time, system dependencies rely on:

$$$ solc --version
solc, the solidity compiler commandline interface
Version: 0.8.17+commit.8df45f5f.Linux.g++
$$$ ganache-cli --version
Ganache CLI v6.12.2 (ganache-core: 2.13.2)
$$$ go version
go version go1.19.3 linux/amd64
$$$ geth version
Version: 1.10.25-stable
Git Commit: 69568c554880b3567bace64f8848ff1be27d084d
Git Commit Date: 20220915
Architecture: amd64
Go Version: go1.19.1
Operating System: linux

(arch install truffle by cloning the aur truffle github, switch into folder an install with makepkg -si)

$$$ truffle

(arch install ganache-bin binary from aur repo, switch into cloned folder and run makepkg -si to install)

ganache binary version: ganache-2.5.4

Additionally, you can download the ganache linux appimage here to get ganache-ui. After making the appimage executable by running chmod +x ganache-2.5.4-linux-x86_64.AppImage, you can start it with ./ganache-2.5.4-linux-x86_64.AppImage. When using the appimage of ganache, make sure to use the url and accounts associated with the ganache network configured with appImage (to get the same accounts, paste in the mnemonic phrase when creating a new workspace). Ganache UI can be linked to a truffle work environment for better debugging when developing smart contracts...

client folder

  • install ganache with npm install -g ganache-cli, check with ganache-cli
  • start ganache with same sequence of public addresses ganache-cli -m "much repair shock carbon improve miss forget sock include bullet interest solution", run this command in another terminal
  • inside the client folder, run go mod tidy, next run go run ganache_client.go
  • if you do not start ganache, you can run go run remote_client.go

accounts folder

  • init the folder with go mod tidy
  • execute address.go with go run address.go
  • execute wallet_generate.go with go run wallet_generate.go
  • execute account_balance.go with go run account_balance.go (make sure to start ganache with the above mentioned mnemonic phrase)
  • execute address_check.go with go run address_check.go
  • execute keystore.go with go run keystore.go -create true and go run keystore.go -import true

transactions folder

  • init the folder with go mod tidy
  • execute blocks.go with go run blocks.go
  • execute gblocks.go (ganache blocks) with go run gblocks.go
  • execute transactions.go with go run transactions.go
  • (create blocks with transactions first in ganache) execute gtransactions.go with go run gtransactions.go. make sure to update the block hash and transaction hash and set a sufficiently low block number if you have not send many transactions (e.g. script works if you call gtransaction_raw_create.go and gtransaction_raw_sendreate.go first).
  • execute gtransaction_raw_create.go (ganache, edit the file and make sure you are using a private key of an account registered in ganache genesis) with go run gtransaction_raw_create.go
  • copy the output of go run gtransaction_raw_create.go and paste it into rawTx in the file gtransaction_raw_sendreate.go and execute go run gtransaction_raw_sendreate.go. be aware, if you call go run gtransaction_raw_sendreate.go another time, make sure to create new transaction bytes with a new nonce, otherwise, replayed nonce values from a same account will be rejected.
  • (optional) you can query and inspect your transaction if you are using ganache
  • execute gtransfer_eth.go with go run gtransfer_eth.go, make sure to update the private key and address of the recipient if you wanna see the eth transfer in ganache.
  • TODO: execute gtransfer_token.go with TODO
  • TODO: execute block_subscribe.go with go run block_subscribe.go

smartcontracts folder

  • initially run go mod tidy
  • compile solidity and create ABIs of contracts inside contracts folder with solc --optimize --abi ./contracts/BalanceCheck.sol -o build
  • next, create the bin files with solc --optimize --bin ./contracts/MySmartContract.sol -o build
  • create api folder with mkdir api
  • next create the go file wrapper with abigen --abi=./build/BalanceCheck.abi --bin=./build/BalanceCheck.bin --pkg=api --out=./api/BalanceCheck.go
  • next, by running main go run main -deploy true with flag for contract deployment returns output:
2022/11/08 12:23:15 deployed contract address: 0x0665C95eeA208ed16bdF9f50e762383FC6A77701
2022/11/08 12:23:15 deployed contract transaction hash in hex: 0x5a3e3d79d0bb8133f06a533bce96c1ad11b38db81056c05d188425d8397795e0
2022/11/08 12:23:15 instance: &{{0xc000005180} {0xc000005180} {0xc000005180}}

running it a second time returns:

2022/11/08 12:27:12 nonce= 3
2022/11/08 12:27:12 deployed contract address: 0x0e93A5BF00452E3b43Cc7641C8387d1AE6997f5B
2022/11/08 12:27:12 deployed contract transaction hash in hex: 0xfe14127ae2a41e9271ace699e494ecf223bc5f5461b413e21502010697e9f22b
2022/11/08 12:27:12 instance: &{{0xc0000f2280} {0xc0000f2280} {0xc0000f2280}}

running go run main.go -deploystore true returns:

contract address: 0x4A31ECe693fB614935eFB337034F9C79efEC03B5
contract transaction hash hex: 0x20c8d04883accec6f657bb40d33c49e1190e8ec6a5be4c4c9fcd947df92bc905
  • run go run main.go -loadstore true loads the store contract
  • run go run main.go -querystore true to query the store contract version
  • to set/write a value into the store, use go run main.go -writestore true
  • get the store contract bytecode with go run main.go -codestore true


  • initially start with go mod tidy inside the folder
  • code backup of goethereumbook
  • following goethereumbook until here is good to get started. from here, it makes sense to move into app directions you want to build.

Useful links

  • Block explorer Etherscan here
  • File sotrage Swarm here
  • Ganache here
  • Infura here

Running your own local network with geth


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