This folder contains the software developed for the TMA Monitor
The complete monitoring platform was designed to run in a scalable fashion on top of a solution like kubernetes
Below we detail the key points relative to processes followed and to the structure of the folder.
Following we describe the specific rules that apply to the development process of TMA Monitor
General Processes and Principles followed by the entire WP3
for the development of the solution for the TMA Framework will be available in the framework wiki.
All the components should be ready to deploy in docker
When applicable, kubernetes
scripts should be prepared for the deployment of the containers in the kubernetes infrastructure.
All images will be available in Docker Hub soon.
Java components should be developed in maven
All projects should follow the maven
archetype available at tma-archetype.
Details on usage are available in the folder.
A docker
image with the Java dependencies of the project is available at the libraries folder.
This image can be used to build and deploy the java
applications, in case maven
is not available in your system.
To build the image, use the following command.
docker build --no-cache -f Dockerfile -t tma-monitor/libs:0.1 .
This folder is organized in the following sub-folders:
- dependency -- contains the essencial dependencies for development, including the Atmosphere Maven Archetype and the base
image used. - libraries -- The key libraries to be used during development. At the moment only containing
libraries. Make use of dependency. - probes -- Implementation of concrete probes, including a probe-demo. Make use of dependency and libraries.
- server -- Includes the implementation and scripts of the server component. It will include specific documentation. Make use of dependency and libraries.
- test -- Includes scripts and code for testing activities.
- Nuno Antunes