A little script that is based heavily on a script from https://github.com/wandernauta
This is to be used in your tmux status line. If you want full terminal access you will want to use Wander script for that. If can be found https://gist.githubusercontent.com/wandernauta/6800547/raw/db881a9100eb9b1e684c99962bde086a47ebcf08/sp
There is one configuration option in the bash script. If you open it in your text editor, there is a variable on the top called CHAR_LENGTH
. This variable will trim the song title if its too long.
Download or clone this repo and copy the tmux-spotify file to a location in your PATH so tmux can access it. Then you will want to edit your tmux.conf and set the following
set -g status-right $(tmux-spotify both)
This will display a ♫, the artist, and the title of the song
If you do not like the icon or the way it outputs, you can call other params
set -g status-right $(tmux-spotify artist)
set -g status-right $(tmux-spotify title)