This tool is made up of two applications, a first web developed with Remix and a second mobile developed with Expo. We have also packaged TypeScript that contains the business logic shared between these 2 applications.
- Monorepo with Nx
- Mobile App with Expo
- Web App with Remix
- Testing with Vitest
- Style with Tailwind for the Web and twrnc for Mobile
- Animation with Framer Motion for the Web and React Native Reanimated for Mobile
- Web app deployment with Netlify
- Database, authentication, etc. with Supabase
- Code formatting with Prettier
- Code validation with ESLint
- CI/CD with GitHub Actions
- State management with Zustand
- Form management with React Hook Form
- Type validation with Zod
- Logging with Sentry
- Translations with FormatJS
- Date utility with date-fns
- Logo font: Inter Tight
- Gradient colors: #F44336 (red) #66BB6A (green) 45°
- Set up storage (react native mmkv for mobile and localStorage for the web)
- Manage categories (list, add, modify and delete)
- Manage accounts (list, add, modify and delete)
- Manage a account's transactions (list, add, modify, and delete)
- Authentication with Supabase
- Make the entire app dynamic with Supabase
- Manage an account's recurring transactions (list, add, modify, and delete)
- Manage account-to-account transactions (add, modify, delete)
- Filter transactions (by account, category, and period)
- Display monthly projections (how much will be left in the account at the end of the month after all recurrences and transactions planned before the end of the month)
- Manage assets (list, add, modify, delete, share, and link accounts)
- Link the account with the bank APIs
- Statistics (to be defined)
- Dark mode
- Notifications
- Choose app icon
- Business plan
- Rate the application
- Onboarding
- Offline mode
- Wallet, a wallet that has a negative or positive balance (for example, you can have "Julien's Main Account Wallet" which has a positive balance of 1000€)
- Category, categories used to specify the context of the transactions made (for example, you have categories "Home", "Restaurants" and "Entertainment")
- Transaction, transactions are linked to a wallet and a category to know where the money is transferred (for example, you have a transaction from the "Julien's Main Account Wallet" of 50€ towards the "Restaurants" category)
- apps
- mobile : our React Native application developed with Expo
- web : our React application developed with React
- libs
- ui : our React and React Native components used by the web and mobile apps
- tailwind : our tailwind configuration used by the web and mobile apps as well as the ui lib
- core : our hexagonal architecture containing the core of our application and all the reusable business logic used by the web and mobile apps
More details about the core lib:
- libs
- core
- src
- wallet
- __tests__
- wallet.service.test.ts : the tested business logic
- wallet.test.ts : the tested business rules
- domain
- wallet.ts : the entity representing the wallets and contain the business rules
- wallet.repository.ts: the contract determining how to manipulate the entity to list, add, etc.
- wallet.service.ts : the service consuming an implementation of the contract
- infrastructure
- in-memory-wallet.repository.ts : an implementation of the contract
- local-storage-wallet.repository.ts : same
- supabase-wallet.repository.ts : same
- user-interface
- : a vanilla zustand store, usable in any JavaScript environment and will be used in our apps
- category
- ...
- ...
- __tests__
- wallet
- src
- core