Behaving is a codified pattern to add common behaviors to a set of instances which generally know how to behave (pun intended).
jsc.commons.cli is a framework for implementing Command Line Interfaces (cli). Why a framework? Because it is more than just a command line parser. It supports constraints (i.e. if option A is set, option B must not be set), provides interactive correction of invalid command lines, help printing ...
A recurring task in software development is writing code for configuration objects, which alter the way a software behaves. Often this will be technology specific code, for example using the app.config or a specific db schema. This library provides a way to define technology independent configuration objects with the IO abstracted away. Write the configuration object code once, replace the IO source/destination late without changing the configuration object code.
This is the place for the misfits. A misfit is
- needed by more than one project
- too small to get its own project
What does JSC_COMMONS_NAMING do? JscCommonsNaming does what jsc-commons-naming does: It provides a way to define names in a unified way and format and parse them to and from different formats.
The Rule Checker (rc) can be used to solve constraint satisfaction problems.