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javadev authored Dec 31, 2023
1 parent f5c573a commit 16ae309
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package g2901_3000.s2914_minimum_number_of_changes_to_make_binary_string_beautiful

// #Medium #String #2023_12_31_Time_180_ms_(100.00%)_Space_38.2_MB_(80.00%)

class Solution {
fun minChanges(s: String): Int {
var ans = 0
var i = 0
while (i < s.length) {
if (s[i] != s[i + 1]) {
i += 2
return ans
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2914\. Minimum Number of Changes to Make Binary String Beautiful


You are given a **0-indexed** binary string `s` having an even length.

A string is **beautiful** if it's possible to partition it into one or more substrings such that:

* Each substring has an **even length**.
* Each substring contains **only** `1`'s or **only** `0`'s.

You can change any character in `s` to `0` or `1`.

Return _the **minimum** number of changes required to make the string_ `s` _beautiful_.

**Example 1:**

**Input:** s = "1001"

**Output:** 2

**Explanation:** We change s[1] to 1 and s[3] to 0 to get string "1100". It can be seen that the string "1100" is beautiful because we can partition it into "11|00". It can be proven that 2 is the minimum number of changes needed to make the string beautiful.

**Example 2:**

**Input:** s = "10"

**Output:** 1

**Explanation:** We change s[1] to 1 to get string "11". It can be seen that the string "11" is beautiful because we can partition it into "11". It can be proven that 1 is the minimum number of changes needed to make the string beautiful.

**Example 3:**

**Input:** s = "0000"

**Output:** 0

**Explanation:** We don't need to make any changes as the string "0000" is beautiful already.


* <code>2 <= s.length <= 10<sup>5</sup></code>
* `s` has an even length.
* `s[i]` is either `'0'` or `'1'`.
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package g2901_3000.s2915_length_of_the_longest_subsequence_that_sums_to_target

// #Medium #Array #Dynamic_Programming #2023_12_31_Time_552_ms_(66.67%)_Space_39.4_MB_(83.33%)

import kotlin.math.max

class Solution {
fun lengthOfLongestSubsequence(nums: List<Int>, target: Int): Int {
val dp = IntArray(target + 1)
for (i in {
dp[i] = -1
dp[0] = 0
for (num in nums) {
for (j in target downTo num) {
if (dp[j - num] != -1) {
dp[j] = max(dp[j], dp[j - num] + 1)
if (dp[target] == -1) {
return -1
return dp[target]
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2915\. Length of the Longest Subsequence That Sums to Target


You are given a **0-indexed** array of integers `nums`, and an integer `target`.

Return _the **length of the longest subsequence** of_ `nums` _that sums up to_ `target`. _If no such subsequence exists, return_ `-1`.

A **subsequence** is an array that can be derived from another array by deleting some or no elements without changing the order of the remaining elements.

**Example 1:**

**Input:** nums = [1,2,3,4,5], target = 9

**Output:** 3

**Explanation:** There are 3 subsequences with a sum equal to 9: [4,5], [1,3,5], and [2,3,4]. The longest subsequences are [1,3,5], and [2,3,4]. Hence, the answer is 3.

**Example 2:**

**Input:** nums = [4,1,3,2,1,5], target = 7

**Output:** 4

**Explanation:** There are 5 subsequences with a sum equal to 7: [4,3], [4,1,2], [4,2,1], [1,1,5], and [1,3,2,1]. The longest subsequence is [1,3,2,1]. Hence, the answer is 4.

**Example 3:**

**Input:** nums = [1,1,5,4,5], target = 3

**Output:** -1

**Explanation:** It can be shown that nums has no subsequence that sums up to 3.


* `1 <= nums.length <= 1000`
* `1 <= nums[i] <= 1000`
* `1 <= target <= 1000`
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package g2901_3000.s2916_subarrays_distinct_element_sum_of_squares_ii

// #Hard #Array #Dynamic_Programming #Segment_Tree #Binary_Indexed_Tree
// #2023_12_31_Time_467_ms_(100.00%)_Space_58_MB_(100.00%)

class Solution {
private var n = 0
private lateinit var tree1: LongArray
private lateinit var tree2: LongArray

fun sumCounts(nums: IntArray): Int {
n = nums.size
tree1 = LongArray(n + 1)
tree2 = LongArray(n + 1)
var max = 0
for (x in nums) {
if (x > max) {
max = x
val last = IntArray(max + 1)
var ans: Long = 0
var cur: Long = 0
for (i in 1..n) {
val x = nums[i - 1]
val j = last[x]
cur += 2 * (query(i) - query(j)) + (i - j)
ans += cur
update(j + 1, 1)
update(i + 1, -1)
last[x] = i
return (ans % MOD).toInt()

private fun lowbit(index: Int): Int {
return index and (-index)

private fun update(index: Int, x: Int) {
var index = index
val v = index * x
while (index <= n) {
tree1[index] += x.toLong()
tree2[index] += v.toLong()
index += lowbit(index)

private fun query(index: Int): Long {
var index = index
var res: Long = 0
val p = index + 1
while (index > 0) {
res += p * tree1[index] - tree2[index]
index -= lowbit(index)
return res

companion object {
private const val MOD = 1e9.toInt() + 7
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2916\. Subarrays Distinct Element Sum of Squares II


You are given a **0-indexed** integer array `nums`.

The **distinct count** of a subarray of `nums` is defined as:

* Let `nums[i..j]` be a subarray of `nums` consisting of all the indices from `i` to `j` such that `0 <= i <= j < nums.length`. Then the number of distinct values in `nums[i..j]` is called the distinct count of `nums[i..j]`.

Return _the sum of the **squares** of **distinct counts** of all subarrays of_ `nums`.

Since the answer may be very large, return it **modulo** <code>10<sup>9</sup> + 7</code>.

A subarray is a contiguous **non-empty** sequence of elements within an array.

**Example 1:**

**Input:** nums = [1,2,1]

**Output:** 15

**Explanation:** Six possible subarrays are:

[1]: 1 distinct value

[2]: 1 distinct value

[1]: 1 distinct value

[1,2]: 2 distinct values

[2,1]: 2 distinct values

[1,2,1]: 2 distinct values

The sum of the squares of the distinct counts in all subarrays is equal to 1<sup>2</sup> + 1<sup>2</sup> + 1<sup>2</sup> + 2<sup>2</sup> + 2<sup>2</sup> + 2<sup>2</sup> = 15.

**Example 2:**

**Input:** nums = [2,2]

**Output:** 3

**Explanation:** Three possible subarrays are:

[2]: 1 distinct value

[2]: 1 distinct value

[2,2]: 1 distinct value

The sum of the squares of the distinct counts in all subarrays is equal to 1<sup>2</sup> + 1<sup>2</sup> + 1<sup>2</sup> = 3.


* <code>1 <= nums.length <= 10<sup>5</sup></code>
* <code>1 <= nums[i] <= 10<sup>5</sup></code>
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package g2901_3000.s2917_find_the_k_or_of_an_array

// #Easy #Array #Bit_Manipulation #2023_12_31_Time_191_ms_(76.47%)_Space_36.8_MB_(100.00%)

class Solution {
fun findKOr(nums: IntArray, k: Int): Int {
val dp = IntArray(31)
for (num in nums) {
var i = 0
var localNum = num
while (localNum > 0) {
if ((localNum and 1) == 1) {
dp[i] += 1
i += 1
localNum = localNum shr 1
var ans = 0
for (i in 0..30) {
if (dp[i] >= k) {
ans += (1 shl i)
return ans
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2917\. Find the K-or of an Array


You are given a **0-indexed** integer array `nums`, and an integer `k`.

The **K-or** of `nums` is a non-negative integer that satisfies the following:

* The <code>i<sup>th</sup></code> bit is set in the K-or **if and only if** there are at least `k` elements of nums in which bit `i` is set.

Return _the **K-or** of_ `nums`.

**Note** that a bit `i` is set in `x` if <code>(2<sup>i</sup> AND x) == 2<sup>i</sup></code>, where `AND` is the bitwise `AND` operator.

**Example 1:**

**Input:** nums = [7,12,9,8,9,15], k = 4

**Output:** 9


Bit 0 is set at nums[0], nums[2], nums[4], and nums[5].

Bit 1 is set at nums[0], and nums[5].

Bit 2 is set at nums[0], nums[1], and nums[5].

Bit 3 is set at nums[1], nums[2], nums[3], nums[4], and nums[5].

Only bits 0 and 3 are set in at least k elements of the array, and bits i >= 4 are not set in any of the array's elements. Hence, the answer is 2^0 + 2^3 = 9.

**Example 2:**

**Input:** nums = [2,12,1,11,4,5], k = 6

**Output:** 0

**Explanation:** Since k == 6 == nums.length, the 6-or of the array is equal to the bitwise AND of all its elements. Hence, the answer is 2 AND 12 AND 1 AND 11 AND 4 AND 5 = 0.

**Example 3:**

**Input:** nums = [10,8,5,9,11,6,8], k = 1

**Output:** 15

**Explanation:** Since k == 1, the 1-or of the array is equal to the bitwise OR of all its elements. Hence, the answer is 10 OR 8 OR 5 OR 9 OR 11 OR 6 OR 8 = 15.


* `1 <= nums.length <= 50`
* <code>0 <= nums[i] < 2<sup>31</sup></code>
* `1 <= k <= nums.length`
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package g2901_3000.s2918_minimum_equal_sum_of_two_arrays_after_replacing_zeros

// #Medium #Array #Greedy #2023_12_31_Time_1410_ms_(7.69%)_Space_63.2_MB_(38.46%)

class Solution {
fun minSum(nums1: IntArray, nums2: IntArray): Long {
val sum1 = nums1.fold(0L) { sum, element -> sum + element }
val zeroCount1 = nums1.count { it == 0 }

val sum2 = nums2.fold(0L) { sum, element -> sum + element }
val zeroCount2 = nums2.count { it == 0 }

if (
(zeroCount1 == 0 && sum1 < sum2 + zeroCount2) ||
(zeroCount2 == 0 && sum2 < sum1 + zeroCount1)
) {
return -1
return Math.max(sum1 + zeroCount1, sum2 + zeroCount2)
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2918\. Minimum Equal Sum of Two Arrays After Replacing Zeros


You are given two arrays `nums1` and `nums2` consisting of positive integers.

You have to replace **all** the `0`'s in both arrays with **strictly** positive integers such that the sum of elements of both arrays becomes **equal**.

Return _the **minimum** equal sum you can obtain, or_ `-1` _if it is impossible_.

**Example 1:**

**Input:** nums1 = [3,2,0,1,0], nums2 = [6,5,0]

**Output:** 12

**Explanation:** We can replace 0's in the following way:
- Replace the two 0's in nums1 with the values 2 and 4. The resulting array is nums1 = [3,2,2,1,4].
- Replace the 0 in nums2 with the value 1. The resulting array is nums2 = [6,5,1]. Both arrays have an equal sum of 12. It can be shown that it is the minimum sum we can obtain.

**Example 2:**

**Input:** nums1 = [2,0,2,0], nums2 = [1,4]

**Output:** -1

**Explanation:** It is impossible to make the sum of both arrays equal.


* <code>1 <= nums1.length, nums2.length <= 10<sup>5</sup></code>
* <code>0 <= nums1[i], nums2[i] <= 10<sup>6</sup></code>

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