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javadev authored Jan 3, 2024
1 parent c56d48c commit e0d85ba
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package g2901_3000.s2930_number_of_strings_which_can_be_rearranged_to_contain_substring

// #Medium #Dynamic_Programming #Math #Combinatorics
// #2024_01_03_Time_132_ms_(100.00%)_Space_33.3_MB_(100.00%)

class Solution {
private fun pow(x: Long, n: Long, mod: Long): Long {
var n = n
var result: Long = 1
var p = x % mod
while (n != 0L) {
if ((n and 1L) != 0L) {
result = (result * p) % mod
p = (p * p) % mod
n = n shr 1
return result

fun stringCount(n: Int): Int {
val mod = 1e9.toInt() + 7L
return (
pow(26, n.toLong(), mod) -
(n + 75) * pow(25, n - 1L, mod) +
(2 * n + 72) * pow(24, n - 1L, mod) -
(n + 23) * pow(23, n - 1L, mod)
) %
mod +
) %
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2930\. Number of Strings Which Can Be Rearranged to Contain Substring


You are given an integer `n`.

A string `s` is called **good** if it contains only lowercase English characters **and** it is possible to rearrange the characters of `s` such that the new string contains `"leet"` as a **substring**.

For example:

* The string `"lteer"` is good because we can rearrange it to form `"leetr"` .
* `"letl"` is not good because we cannot rearrange it to contain `"leet"` as a substring.

Return _the **total** number of good strings of length_ `n`.

Since the answer may be large, return it **modulo** <code>10<sup>9</sup> + 7</code>.

A **substring** is a contiguous sequence of characters within a string.

**Example 1:**

**Input:** n = 4

**Output:** 12

**Explanation:** The 12 strings which can be rearranged to have "leet" as a substring are: "eelt", "eetl", "elet", "elte", "etel", "etle", "leet", "lete", "ltee", "teel", "tele", and "tlee".

**Example 2:**

**Input:** n = 10

**Output:** 83943898

**Explanation:** The number of strings with length 10 which can be rearranged to have "leet" as a substring is 526083947580. Hence the answer is 526083947580 % (10<sup>9</sup> + 7) = 83943898.


* <code>1 <= n <= 10<sup>5</sup></code>
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package g2901_3000.s2931_maximum_spending_after_buying_items

// #Hard #Array #Sorting #Greedy #Matrix #Heap_Priority_Queue
// #2024_01_03_Time_541_ms_(93.75%)_Space_61.5_MB_(93.75%)

class Solution {
private class Node {
var `val`: Int = -1
var next: Node? = null

constructor(`val`: Int) {
this.`val` = `val`


fun maxSpending(values: Array<IntArray>): Long {
val m = values.size
val n = values[0].size
val head = Node()
var node: Node? = head
for (j in n - 1 downTo 0) {
node!!.next = Node(values[0][j])
node =
for (i in 1 until m) {
node = head
for (j in n - 1 downTo 0) {
while (node!!.next != null &&!!.`val` <= values[i][j]) {
node =
val next = = Node(values[i][j])
node =
node!!.next = next
var res: Long = 0
var day: Long = 1
node =
while (node != null) {
res += day * node.`val`
node =
return res
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2931\. Maximum Spending After Buying Items


You are given a **0-indexed** `m * n` integer matrix `values`, representing the values of `m * n` different items in `m` different shops. Each shop has `n` items where the <code>j<sup>th</sup></code> item in the <code>i<sup>th</sup></code> shop has a value of `values[i][j]`. Additionally, the items in the <code>i<sup>th</sup></code> shop are sorted in non-increasing order of value. That is, `values[i][j] >= values[i][j + 1]` for all `0 <= j < n - 1`.

On each day, you would like to buy a single item from one of the shops. Specifically, On the <code>d<sup>th</sup></code> day you can:

* Pick any shop `i`.
* Buy the rightmost available item `j` for the price of `values[i][j] * d`. That is, find the greatest index `j` such that item `j` was never bought before, and buy it for the price of `values[i][j] * d`.

**Note** that all items are pairwise different. For example, if you have bought item `0` from shop `1`, you can still buy item `0` from any other shop.

Return _the **maximum amount of money that can be spent** on buying all_ `m * n` _products_.

**Example 1:**

**Input:** values = [[8,5,2],[6,4,1],[9,7,3]]

**Output:** 285

**Explanation:** On the first day, we buy product 2 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][2] \* 1 = 1.

On the second day, we buy product 2 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][2] \* 2 = 4.

On the third day, we buy product 2 from shop 2 for a price of values[2][2] \* 3 = 9.

On the fourth day, we buy product 1 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][1] \* 4 = 16.

On the fifth day, we buy product 1 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][1] \* 5 = 25.

On the sixth day, we buy product 0 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][0] \* 6 = 36.

On the seventh day, we buy product 1 from shop 2 for a price of values[2][1] \* 7 = 49.

On the eighth day, we buy product 0 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][0] \* 8 = 64.

On the ninth day, we buy product 0 from shop 2 for a price of values[2][0] \* 9 = 81.

Hence, our total spending is equal to 285.

It can be shown that 285 is the maximum amount of money that can be spent buying all m \* n products.

**Example 2:**

**Input:** values = [[10,8,6,4,2],[9,7,5,3,2]]

**Output:** 386

**Explanation:** On the first day, we buy product 4 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][4] \* 1 = 2.

On the second day, we buy product 4 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][4] \* 2 = 4.

On the third day, we buy product 3 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][3] \* 3 = 9.

On the fourth day, we buy product 3 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][3] \* 4 = 16.

On the fifth day, we buy product 2 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][2] \* 5 = 25.

On the sixth day, we buy product 2 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][2] \* 6 = 36.

On the seventh day, we buy product 1 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][1] \* 7 = 49.

On the eighth day, we buy product 1 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][1] \* 8 = 64

On the ninth day, we buy product 0 from shop 1 for a price of values[1][0] \* 9 = 81.

On the tenth day, we buy product 0 from shop 0 for a price of values[0][0] \* 10 = 100.

Hence, our total spending is equal to 386.

It can be shown that 386 is the maximum amount of money that can be spent buying all m \* n products.


* `1 <= m == values.length <= 10`
* <code>1 <= n == values[i].length <= 10<sup>4</sup></code>
* <code>1 <= values[i][j] <= 10<sup>6</sup></code>
* `values[i]` are sorted in non-increasing order.
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package g2901_3000.s2932_maximum_strong_pair_xor_i

// #Easy #Array #Hash_Table #Bit_Manipulation #Sliding_Window #Trie
// #2024_01_03_Time_192_ms_(43.08%)_Space_36.5_MB_(90.77%)

import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min

class Solution {
fun maximumStrongPairXor(nums: IntArray): Int {
var max = 0
var pair: Int
for (i in nums.indices) {
for (j in i until nums.size) {
if (abs((nums[i] - nums[j])) <= min(nums[i], nums[j])) {
pair = nums[i] xor nums[j]
max = max(max, pair)
return max
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2932\. Maximum Strong Pair XOR I


You are given a **0-indexed** integer array `nums`. A pair of integers `x` and `y` is called a **strong** pair if it satisfies the condition:

* `|x - y| <= min(x, y)`

You need to select two integers from `nums` such that they form a strong pair and their bitwise `XOR` is the **maximum** among all strong pairs in the array.

Return _the **maximum**_ `XOR` _value out of all possible strong pairs in the array_ `nums`.

**Note** that you can pick the same integer twice to form a pair.

**Example 1:**

**Input:** nums = [1,2,3,4,5]

**Output:** 7

**Explanation:** There are 11 strong pairs in the array `nums`: (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (4, 4), (4, 5) and (5, 5). The maximum XOR possible from these pairs is 3 XOR 4 = 7.

**Example 2:**

**Input:** nums = [10,100]

**Output:** 0

**Explanation:** There are 2 strong pairs in the array `nums`: (10, 10) and (100, 100). The maximum XOR possible from these pairs is 10 XOR 10 = 0 since the pair (100, 100) also gives 100 XOR 100 = 0.

**Example 3:**

**Input:** nums = [5,6,25,30]

**Output:** 7

**Explanation:** There are 6 strong pairs in the array `nums`: (5, 5), (5, 6), (6, 6), (25, 25), (25, 30) and (30, 30). The maximum XOR possible from these pairs is 25 XOR 30 = 7 since the only other non-zero XOR value is 5 XOR 6 = 3.


* `1 <= nums.length <= 50`
* `1 <= nums[i] <= 100`
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions src/main/kotlin/g2901_3000/s2933_high_access_employees/Solution.kt
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package g2901_3000.s2933_high_access_employees

// #Medium #Array #String #Hash_Table #Sorting
// #2024_01_03_Time_304_ms_(91.67%)_Space_39.6_MB_(95.83%)

class Solution {
private fun isPossible(a: Int, b: Int): Boolean {
val hb = b / 100
val ha = a / 100
var mind = b % 100
val mina = a % 100
if (hb == 23 && ha == 0) {
return false
if (hb - ha > 1) {
return false
if (hb - ha == 1) {
mind += 60
return mind - mina < 60

private fun isHighAccess(list: List<Int>): Boolean {
if (list.size < 3) {
return false
var i = 0
var j = 1
var k = 2
while (k < list.size) {
val a = list[i++]
val b = list[j++]
val c = list[k++]
if (isPossible(a, c) && isPossible(b, c) && isPossible(a, b)) {
return true
return false

private fun stringToInt(str: String): Int {
var i = 1000
var `val` = 0
for (ch in str.toCharArray()) {
val n = ch.code - '0'.code
`val` += i * n
i = i / 10
return `val`

fun findHighAccessEmployees(accessTimes: List<List<String>>): List<String> {
val map = HashMap<String, MutableList<Int>>()
for (list in accessTimes) {
val temp = map.getOrDefault(list[0], ArrayList())
val `val` = stringToInt(list[1])
map[list[0]] = temp
val ans: MutableList<String> = ArrayList()
for ((key, temp) in map) {
if (isHighAccess(temp)) {
return ans

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