This dotfiles repo requires zsh
to be installed on your machine.
If your on OSX, I use the Homebrew version of zsh
as it tends to be newer than the bundled version.
brew install zsh
command -v zsh | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
chsh -s $(which zsh)
brew tap thoughtbot/formulae
brew install rcm
mkdir -p $HOME/code/self
git clone git:// $HOME/code/self/dotfiles
cd $HOME/code/self
rcup -d dotfiles -x -x LICENSE -x Brewfile
Once you pull down changes, you can safely run rcup
anywhere on your machine. Once completed, I
suggest using a new shell window as many changes may not show up.
Customizations that are not intended for upstream are best placed in a branch off master. I personally
use a self
branch and place my customizations there. This eases pull down global changes.
Let's say you want to customize zshrc
with something. Switch to your self
branch, create a file
named zshrc.local
and commit that. Running rcup
will place the file in your home directory.
I like to commit .local
files into this branch as I use these changes on multiple machines. If you
want this same functionality. Go into the .gitignore
on your branch and comment out the line ignoring
There is a gitignore entry to protect you from entering these into github, but do not rely on that!
There are a few files that are extended to also include a ".private" suffix. This is where I suggest
placing private keys if you must. Things like NPM_TOKEN
Put your customizations in dotfiles appended with .local
For example, your ~/.aliases.local
might look like this:
# Productivity
alias todo='$EDITOR ~/.todo'
Your ~/.gitconfig.local
might look like this:
l = log --pretty=colored
colored = format:%Cred%h%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)%an%Creset
name = Justin Smestad
email =
Your ~/.zshrc.local
might look like this:
# recommended by brew doctor
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH"
Your ~/.vimrc.bundles.local
might look like this:
Bundle 'Lokaltog/vim-powerline'
Bundle 'stephenmckinney/vim-solarized-powerline'