monova automatically calculates version of the application based on the commit messages
monova uses format Major.Minor.Patch
(f.e. 1.11.3
) to calculate the version.
To automatically increase the version of the application, add one of the reserved
words to the commit message.
Check Makefile to see how it could be integrated into the build process
$ git commit -m ":m: Add progress bar"
$ git commit -m ":major: Add history flag"
$ git commit -m "p Update help command"
./monova -h
calculate new version and print it
monova [flags]
monova [command]
Available Commands:
checkpoint manually set the version
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
history print the history of versions
reset remove history file
-d, --debug enable debug mode
-h, --help help for monova
-v, --version print version and exit
You can force any version by creating a checkpoint. Checkpoint is an empty commit with specially formatted message:
$ monova checkpoint 1.0.0
$ git log
01de65a Version:1.0.0 generated by monova
010a56a :m: Add progress bar
73b6a72 :m: Add history flag
270f422 :p: Update help command
- Using grm
grm install jsnjack/monova