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Jason’s dotfiles

These are the dotfiles and scripts that I use to setup and maintain my Mac.

macOS 13 Ventura desktop with iTerm prompt

Step zero

On a new machine or fresh macOS install: before you can do much on the command line (like using Git), Xcode Command Line Tools need to be installed and the license agreed to.

  1. Open Applications > Utilites > Terminal
  2. Install Xcode Command Line Tools xcode-select --install
  3. Click install, agree to license

Getting started, using Git

You can clone the repository wherever you want. I like to keep it in ~/Projects/dotfiles.

git clone && cd dotfiles

Establishing dotfiles

The home/ script will run a copy all of the dotfiles (.*) in home/ into to your home folder.

Take a look through the dotfiles (.*) before running to make any adjustments. The script will warn that files in your home folder will be overwritten.

Run it: source home/

Add private commands and settings to .extra

If ~/.extra exists, it will be sourced along with the other files. You can use this to add commands and settings you don’t want to commit to a public repository. My ~/.extra looks something like this:

# Git credentials
GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="Jason Morris"
git config --global "$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME"
git config --global "$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL"

# Project aliases
alias clientsite="cd ~/Projects/clientsite"
alias businesspapers="cd ~/Projects/my/important/business/papers"

# Access tokens
export APItoken=0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff0000ffff

Install scripts

Installing Homebrew, binaries, and applications

The homebrew/ script will:

  1. Install (or update) Homebrew
  2. Install a list of Homebrew formulae
  3. Install a list of fonts via Homebrew cask
  4. Install a list of Mac App Store applications via mas
  5. Install a list of applications via Homebrew Cask

Run it: source homebrew/

Installing NVM and global Node modules

The node/ script will:

  1. Install (or update) NVM
  2. Install (or update to) the latest stable version of Node.js
  3. Install list of global Node modules.

Run it: source node/

Installing RVM and Ruby gems

The ruby/ script will:

  1. Install (or update) RVM
  2. Run RVM setup script
  3. Install list of Ruby gems

Run it: source ruby/

Installing Composer packages

The composer/ script will:

  1. Check for Composer installation
  2. Copy composer.json into /.composer
  3. Run composer update

Run it: source composer/

Setting macOS defaults

The macos/ script is a blend of Kevin Deldycke’s and Mathias Bynens’ .macos scripts. It sets a number of sensible defaults for macOS. Tip: review and comment out uncertain commands before running.

Run it: source macos/

Configure macOS dock icons

The macos/ script will clear and add specific application icons to the dock.

Run it: source macos/


  • brew list – list installed Homebrew formulae, including casks
  • mas list – list installed applications from Mac App Store
  • npm list -g [--depth=0] – list globally installed node modules
  • gem query --local – list locally installed Ruby gems
  • composer global show – list globally installed Composer packages

Heavily inspired by


🛠️💻 macOS dotfiles







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