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This repo contains various sorting algorithms written in go.

Running main.go will compare the execution times for each of the different sorting algorithms in the sort folder, instead of outputting the sorted values. I implemented multithreading to improve the overall runtime, instead of running each sort sequentially.

To compile into a binary, use the following while in the directory with main.go: go build


There are a few different modes and options. You can use the -h or -help flags to see all options.

To run them, open the root folder of this repo locally, in a terminal. Then, follow the instructions below depending on which mode you want to execute.


  • Bad sorts (Bogo, Stooge) will default to certain values due to their slowness.
  • Bitonic will round up to the nearest power of 2, due to its algorithmic nature. To do this, it pads the input array with 0s.
  • Count mode cannot be used with input mode.
  • Verbose option can be used with any of the modes

Default Mode

Default mode executes on the default (random) values. In your terminal, run:

go run main.go

This will run the program on the default file: test.txt, which has 100 values.

Count Mode

You can input a number of values to test the sorting algorithms against. In your terminal, run:

go run main.go -count num

where #### is replaced by the number you want to enter. For instance:

go run main.go -count 69420

will execute each of the sorting algorithms on 69420 randomly generated digits varying in size.

Input Mode

You can also input a file of your own custom values to test the sorting algorithms against. In your terminal, run:

go run main.go -input filename

where filename is the path to the file you want to use. For instance:

go run main.go -input input.txt

will use the file input.txt (which is provided in this repo).

Verbose Option

Verbose is an option to see extra printing or debug information. Apply the verbose option for additional information.

go run main.go -verbose

Verbose can be added to other modes (i.e., count + verbose mode).


  • sort -- folder containing the implementation for the sort in the filename
    • bitonic.go
    • bogo.go
    • bubble.go
    • bucket.go
    • cocktail.go
    • comb.go
    • counting.go
    • cycle.go
    • gnome.go
    • heapsort.go
    • insertion.go
    • merge.go
    • oddeven.go
    • pancake.go
    • pigeonhole.go
    • quicksort.go
    • radix.go
    • selection.go
    • shell.go
    • stooge.go
    • tim.go
  • utils
    • utils.go -- general utils and other useful things
  • go.mod -- Go module file
  • input.txt -- sample text file with numbers 1 thru 16384 (shuffled)
  • main.go -- implementation for CLI options, timing, etc.
  • -- what you're reading
  • test.txt -- smaller test file with numbers 1 thru 100 (shuffled)


Various sorting algorithms written in go








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